The Glitter Jungle:

Torn Between
Double your quickening, double you... something. Kronos, post beheading.

Torn between them, still aware but not himself and not either one of them; they were too close when the Quickening hit. He was in both of them. Torn in half.

They were so different from each other. Always moving towards each other and then moving apart and it hurt, to be pulled away like that. He wanted them to be one. So he could be one again.

His world was shattered but not in half; shattered like a mirror, a million pieces and bits reflecting each other and everything around them, but in a broken, twisted way.

Each felt pain and grief as they orbited apart; but each felt so different. And in the midst of it all he had his own pain and grief to deal with, his demise, the fall of his plans and visions, and the loss of his brothers.

And then they gravitated back to each other. He felt less... stretched apart. He wanted them together so he could have them both.

Closer. Closer than that.

He was between them and in them as they lay entwined on the white linen. Gazed out from both sets of eyes at both faces and felt both their loves.

And he finally knew what Methos had felt for him.

Closer still. Love wasn't enough.

Only death would be.
