The Glitter Jungle:

Two Sides to the Coin
Wants to have two cakes and eat them too. Clark/Lex, Superman/Lex

Lex wants Superman. He's big and strong in the most butch way. He can do anything and get away with it, which is something that really turns Lex on. He can do anything to Lex and get away with it, which probably no one in the world can. He stands there and just exudes power. Lex likes power.

Lex wants Clark. Clark is so innocent and smalltown, even after he moved to Metropolis and got himself a big boy job. Clark will trust him, Clark will be tender and make love. Clark will call the next day. Lex could buy Clark flowers and watch him blush. Lex misses that innocence in his life.

Superman had ruined Lex's plans time and time again. Got in his way. An annoying pain in the ass. And Lex likes pain.

Clark had saved Lex so many times. Rescued him from life endangering situations. Breathed life into him. Lex had always wanted to find a way to pay him back.

Lex has this fantasy, which he knows will never happen, but he thinks about it sometimes. In this fantasy, he's with Clark. They're making sweet love and Superman breaks in through the wall or something, Lex isn't sure of the details but Superman is just there all of a sudden, like always. He's going for Clark, but this time Lex won't let him. Lex will save Clark somehow, by giving himself to Superman. Sacrifice himself in Clark's place. And Superman will... hurt him, abuse him, use him and beat him and Clark would watch, knowing Lex saved him from this...

This is where the fantasy usually ends in hot spurts of come on Lex's belly or on the shower wall. But sometimes Lex allows himself to fantasise more. About being in a soft bed between the clean covers with Clark on one side and Superman on the other. And they're both holding him.
