The Glitter Jungle:Fanlistings hosted on this site:
Including people from: USA, Israel, Ireland, England, Canada, Australia, Hungary, Singapore, Brazil, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Egypt, Vietnam, Portugal, Italy, Malaysia, Russia, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovenia, tbc
Adina: Sorority Boys fanlisting
Floronic Man: Jason Woodrue fanlisting
Site Thankyous:
& A big thank you to femgeeks.net.
I adopted wee baby Horsemen at Immortal Soul.
Fanlistings we joined:
I'm a Watcher @ Much Ado Over Buffy:
I Staked My Claim:Co-Keeping (w/ Cat) Giles and Ethan's First Time ~BtVS (Ethan Keepers Page)
Keeper of The look in Ethan's eyes when he says "Showtime" (Halloween) ~BtVS
Keeper of Spike's job of getting Drusilla Rats with the morning paper. ~BtVS, XF
(Spike keepers page) - {3 Keeps: Spike, Drusilla, and Alex "Ratboy" Krycek}
Keeper of Draco Malfoy's smile ~HP
Keeper of Draco's secret wish to be spanked by Snape ~HP
Guardian of Giles's Past With Ethan ~BtVS (Giles Keepers Page)
Guardian of Giles's Feelings When He First Met Ethan ~BtVS (Giles Keepers Page)
Guardian of Giles's Fondness Of Ethan When They Were Friends ~BtVS (Giles Keepers Page)
Guardian of Ethan's cuteness (I claimed it first, sorry, girls & boys.) ~BtVSAlso:
Member of the Church of Alex Krycek: Alex Krycek is the truth Fox Mulder is looking for. ~XF
Member of people for a Shirtless Spike. ~BtVS
Member of the ASS Brigade: Angel Sires Spike! ~BtVS
Acolyte of The Cult of Ethan- Personal Assistant to Mr. Rayne ~BtVS
Owner of a Fuzzy Purple Spike Bunny
Member of People For Ethical Treatment of Spike ~BtVS
Member of People For Ethical Treatment of Krycek ~XF
Member of the Society for Protecting Alex Krycek ~XF
I am a Spike Girl (but forgot which) ~BtVS
I am a DracuBabe #7 ~BtVS
Member of the StarScream Estrogen Brigade ~Transformers
Official Soul Corrupter (Thank to the dear people of #RS-X)
Official Protective Lioness Strifette of the RCoS ~Hercverse
Member of the Rat Army ~XF