Eye of the Beholder

A Safehouse Retreat fic starring Lionel and Lex Luthor from Smallville.
Smallville is not mine, nor are Lionel and Lex.  If they were,
they wouldn't need fixing in the Safehouse, now would they.
Cinder's page


"Lex?  Where am I?  Lex?"

"I'm right here.  You don't need to shout."  Gently, Lex lifted up his
father's hand so the older man could touch his face.

"Where are we?"

"In a safe place."

"And where exactly is that, Lex?"

Slowly, so as not to startle the blind man on the bed, Lex picked up a pair
of wire framed glasses.  "It's not a place like Smallville is a place.
It's not on a map, Dad.  The Safehouse has been built for us by fanfiction
writers who want to make right what once went wrong."

"You've been watching too many episodes of Quantum Leap."

"Maybe, but that Sam guy is kind of cute."  Carefully, he slipped the
glasses over his father's ears and up the bridge of his nose.  "How does
that look?"

"I can see!  What did you do?  I can see!"  And he could.  He could see the
bed he was sitting on, complete with its understated, yet tasteful green
bedspread.  He could see the pillows he was propped up against.  Across
from him was an open door leading out into the hall and to his right
another open door led into a tiled bath.  Most of all, he could see his
son, his beautiful son.

"It's the glasses.  That's the way things are being fixed."

"What about us?"

Lex looked away for a moment, taking a deep breath before he continued.
"We'll have father\son counseling and there'll also be group therapy.  I go
to a group for failed villains, but I don't think you'd fit in there."


"You were always good at everything you did."


"Anyway," Lex stood abruptly, "do you want to go to dinner with Clark and

"Your friend Clark Kent?  He's here too?"

"Yeah, that Clark.  I can tell you all about my efforts to be a successful
villain.  Maybe you'll…maybe you'll have some pointers for me."

Lionel very carefully mulled over his answer before he gave it.  "I would
be honored to join you both and I look forward to hearing about your

"Well, we'll be in the cafeteria.  You can join us because your legs should
be healed by this evening.  No one stays injured for long here."  Lex
backed out of the room.  "So you just take a nap and we'll see you later."

"Later then, Son."  Lionel smiled as he settled back and drifted off to
