Ethan Rayne makes new friends.
There are people here I could never get in touch with on a normal basis. For example, the Devil. I've tried summoning him many times, and never received a response. No matter how much I begged or what I sacrificed.
Here, he's just down the hall.
Of course, he still won't really talk to me, but I've made some friends here who seem to be friends with *his* friends - complicated and shadowy on one hand, I know, and very middle school yard on the other hand, but what can I say. I loved corrupting Victor just for the sake of it, even when I didn't know that some day he'll become friends with another ex-cop he could talk to, and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a powerful being like Lucifer himself getting entangled with that man, Ezekiel. But there you have it, and what I couldn't manage with the strongest of my magic, I can now accomplish by throwing a party of sorts, well, more like a gathering except "we" don't like that word here. Just a few people in my room after lights-out and several bottles of mediocre alcohol later, and Satan is smiling at me beatifically - one can almost say, angelically - and wonders if I'm his new best friend.
I just *love* it here. So many opportunities.