Fiction:Green CLex and Ham
They have done it on a boat.
They have done it in a moat.
They have done it in Clark's bed.
They have done it in Jonathan's shed.
They have done it in the loft
Yes, they do it very oft.They have done it on a plane.
They've done it on a beach in Maine.
They've done it over the pool table.
They've done it in Clark's filthy stable.
They have kept their cry-outs soft.
Yes, they do it very oft.Clark once fucked Lex in a cloud
and they called each other's names aloud.
They have done it in a car
while they left the doors ajar.
Into the air the sex-scent wafts
because they do it oh, so oft.They've done it while both dressed in drag.
They've done it while both bound and gagged.
They've done it where Lex does his work.
And Lionel knows. He's more than irked.
Even in public they have boffed.
Why yes, they do fuck very oft.