Comments on Dress-up Jack

Number of comments: 2

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From: ae
(IP Logged)
Date: 11/30/2008
Oh,myword! You have given me a great deal of pleasure and we hardly know one another. Thank you for this delicious and silly treat of a surprize!! And how exactly did you know we'd all be whalin' on to find out he has a BIG smiley face! I'm laughing so hard at this point, loved the stunning array of dress up for him, bunny slipper/socks a bit much possibly, or not! Thanks for allowing me to put him in a middy shirt, cool boots, and love the baggy Chinese pants. You're tops!
From: drbillbongo
(IP Logged)
Date: 02/12/2008
This is the most hilarious thing I've seen in quite a while! Thanks for providing with so many different outfits to choose from! (But that smiley is just evil. XD) You're an incredibly talented artist, and I hope you're going to do more PotC fanart!

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