DebauchingED Commodore James - The Gag Reel!


Crazy minds behind it: teh_farmer and drbillbongo
Beta'ed by the wonderful: elessil
Rating: NC-17 for extreme nudity
Date First Posted: 11/13/04
Summary: What happened while we drew that cartoon...


IDIOCY - Ye Be Warned!


1. Day:
Black_Claw: "Oh, it's already 3am!"
DrBillBongo: "So? Doesn't matter!"
DrBillBongo: "3am soon..."
Black_Claw: "AGAIN?!?"
DrBillBongo: "End of Daylight Saving Time!"


2. Day:
DrBillBongo's unplanned stay for the night (went sleep at ca. 5am)


4. Day:
Music: Hammerfall - Back to Back
DrBillBongo: "How the hell is this supposed to work... Fighting back to back? You can't even see where you're hitting..."
Black_Claw: "Errr! They're fighting TOGETHER, not each other! Back to back, in opposite directions."
DrBillBongo: "Oooh, now it makes sense..."

Sketch Pic 17:

DrBillBongo: "Have a look at stick-figure-Jack, what do you notice?"
Black_Claw: "Err, nothin', why?"
DrBillBongo: "Look at the sketched wall!"
Black_Claw: "OOH! Jack's got a broken penis, OOOHHH GOD!!! Sorry Jack!!"
DrBillBongo: "Also, James has got a black eye there!"
Black_Claw: "That's his 'wonderful' wig!"

Pic 1:
Black_Claw: *paints Jack's pistol*
DrBillBongo: "Somehow that doesn't fit!"
Black_Claw: "Looks like a sausage..."
DrBillBongo: "Especially in this place!"
=> Jack with sausage

Pic 2:
Black_Claw: *draws Jack's hat*
DrBillBongo: "Looks like a tulip!"
Black_Claw: "Oh yes, Jack with a tulip on his head, sure!"
DrBillBongo: "Just as idiotic as Norrington with a tree on his hat."
=> Black_Claw draws Norrington with a tree on his hat.
DrBillBongo: "Now that looks like a volcano." Sings: "I'm as hot as a volcano..."
Black_Claw: "AARRRRR!"

Attempt to draw Jack's back -> Hat-problem (tulip!):
Black_Claw: "You know what, we forget about the arm and draw the hat instead." (Hey, that rhymes!)
DrBillBongo: "Yes, why would you need arms, when you've got a hat..." *quotes from "Arizona Dream"* "When a man has a hat, he can walk the street naked and doesn't need to be ashasmed of his ass."

Pic 3:
Big problems with dearly loved perspective -> imitated swordfight => scene is not possible as planned.
Black_Claw: "Yeayea, PERSPECTIVE!"
DrBillBongo: "Shitty perspective!!!"

Jack's head complete, with sketched body
DrBillBongo: "He looks kinda naked..." *draws him naked*
Black_Claw "The Realistic": *helps with the details for the 'tricky' parts*
=> "darling picture"

Pic 4:
James is disarming Jack and pulls the pistol out of his belt
DrBillBongo: "Possibly there's nothin' any more, when someone's shot there before?!?"
Black_Claw: "Jack's no eunuch! Just look at our darling picture!!!"

Black_Claw: *changes something* => Norrie's now smiling but the pencil lines not well erased
Black_Claw: "Looks like he's got some leftovers from his last meal."
DrBillBongo: "Don't make fun of my poor Norrie!"
Black_Claw: "You castrated Jack, I do what I want!!!"

Black_Claw: *adds Norrie's text bubble where he says "Still no additional shot, pirate?"*
DrBillBongo: "Hmmm, funny when he says this and points the pistol THERE... What goes through his head then?"
Black_Claw: "Quite a lot..."
DrBillBongo: "Still no additional shot? Let's try that!"
Black_Claw: *evil glare*

Pic 5:
DrBillBongo: *tries to draw Jack's grin*
Black_Claw: "With this overbite he looks like Mr. Burns..."
DrBillBongo: "A sentence that's never been said like this before: Jack looks like Mr. Burns..."

Pic 12:
Black_Claw: "What's this on Norrington's head?!? A sheep?"
DrBillBongo: "A WIG!!"
=> Sheepington

Black_Claw: "The nose... Ah, I've got it!" (sings) "Jamie, the red-nosed Commodore..."

Pic 13:
DrBillBongo: *draws Norrie's wig*
DrBillBongo: "It looks like a bathing cap!"
Black_Claw: "Well, it suits him..."

DrBillBongo: "You have to draw some hair on Jack's legs, otherwise he looks kinda childish or feminine."
Black_Claw: "NOOO! Jack's no hairy stone age man!!! Don't be that mean to poor Jack. He doesn't deserve that."
DrBillBongo: "Hmph!"

Pic 14:
Black_Claw: "... And by the way, you drew James with a fat ass again!"
DrBillBongo: "I'm just SKETCHING!"

Pic 15:
Black_Claw: "Hmmm, I don't get it. Which line's the right one here?"
DrBillBongo: "Here, this one. This is Jack's arm..."
Black_Claw: "Erm, when this up there is his arm and this line down here, too... He's got one square meter of arm!?!"
DrBillBongo: "Oh, I think I forgot to erase a line when I changed something."

Black_Claw: *draws James' ass*
DrBillBongo: "Now he's got the ultimate fat ass!" *looks more closely* "Looks HOT!"

Later (4 minutes to 4am):
DrBillBongo: *doesn't like Jack's erection*
Black_Claw: *changes it, pen slips*
DrBillBongo: "Norrie's got a spot on his ass! Reminds me of "Coupling"... 'The freckle'! But Norrington isn't freckled!"


And now we think we have bothered you enough with our remarks and we will try to make up for that with some more cartoon pics (but this time without our comments!):


Especially dedicated to meletor_et_al who convinced us that we needed to draw this:


Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al, and the actors who portrayed
them. Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site.
All content is copyrighted by its creator.