
An Extensive Demonstration

by DrBillBongo

Pairing: Norrington/Gillette/Groves ("The Naval Threesome")—sorta
Rating: NC-17
Originally Posted: 4/23/05
Beta: Aradiria
Summary: "Maybe I want him to hear us!"
Note: For DaughterMestizo.

The Dauntless and her crew were halfway to the Isla de Muerta, once again pursuing the nuisance that was Jack Sparrow and once again hoping they would finally catch him and bring him to justice.

The pirate captain and his ridiculous game of cat and mouse had humiliated the Royal Navy in the Caribbean. Governor Swann's clemency towards Sparrow had reached its limits, now that the debts for Elizabeth's rescue were paid. And Commodore Norrington himself felt almost urged to hang the scoundrel with his own hands, not only for his crimes against the Crown, but also to make him pay for weeks of insomnia.

Including this night's bout, Norrington thought grimly as he paced on deck, wondering if he would ever be able to sleep again.

He had almost reached the helm when a soft, almost inaudible hiss interrupted his thoughts. If it is you again, Sparrow, I will be most inclined to spoil your fun. However, when Norrington glanced down the taffrail, there was nobody there.

Suddenly, there was another hiss which drew the Commodore to the gun deck. Instantly, he raised an eyebrow. Either a secret tryst or a sabotage attempt. And he would accept neither.

After about five steps down the ladder to the gun deck, however, he started. There had been another whisper. And this time, he had understood every word.

"Ssh, Theo, be quiet! You will wake him up!"

The voice belonged to Lieutenant Gillette. And from the informal address, he figured that the other man had to be Lieutenant Groves.

Norrington was no fool. Without even peering past the corner, he knew exactly what they were doing. And the suppressed sounds of his two lieutenants, who tried to be as silent as possible but didn't manage, were only unnecessary affirmation to his theory.

He would never have thought it.

"God, Andrew... Please..."

"Theo... If you don't be quiet, he will hear us!"

"Maybe I want him to hear us! Oh... don't stop..."

Norrington froze. What was the man saying?

"What do you want?" Gillette asked, his voice teasing. "Do you want him to touch you? Do you want to touch him?"

"Please... get on with it... I'm so fucking close..." Groves breathed, and from the sounds that followed, Norrington figured that his plea had been answered.

The always stoic Naval man had long lost the ability to pull himself together. His cravat seemed to choke him, his breeches seemed to castrate him and the heat almost made him faint. He couldn't stand it any longer to stay, but he couldn't leave either.

Finally, he dared to look at them. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

Groves was sitting on a cannon, half-naked, legs parted widely. He had rested his arms behind him on either side of the cannon and thrown back his head in ecstasy, eyes closed. Gillette was standing in front of him fully dressed except for his open shirt, one arm on his lover's shoulder blade, the other one between his legs. He hadn't closed his eyes and he was visibly drowning in the sight of Groves as the younger man reacted to every move he made with his hand.

Before Norrington could stop himself, he was leaning against the wall of the gun deck, his hand inside his own breeches, cupping and stroking himself. He felt as if he was about to explode completely.

"Take me, Andrew," Groves suddenly panted, "Take me hard. Take me as you would have James take you."

A gasp escaped Norrington's lips and his cock almost leapt at the lieutenant's words. He had to be dreaming, of course, but it was a dream from which he never wanted to wake up again. Breathing hard, he closed his eyes and let the men's muffled pants and moans guide him towards his climax.

"Right there... right there..."

"Christ!!! Theo, you're so tight... I won't last..."

"Move, Andrew, for God's sake! Show me exactly what James would do to you!"

"Oh yes, that I will..."

A yelp reverberated through the wooden walls, followed by a whimper and another series of words, rather breathed out than spoken.

"Oh God... Yes... Do it... Faster..."

"Like that, don't you?"

"Yes... please, fuck me harder... harder, Andrew, please..."

No more words were uttered. It wasn't possible anymore. Gillette and Groves moaned in unison, breathing hard and fast and finally shouting each other's names when their orgasms took them.

Norrington shook against the wall, his whole body convulsing as he came, too, only a few instants later.

When he opened his eyes again, Groves and Gillette were both sitting on the cannon, holding each other close and exchanging kisses and words of love.

Quietly, he rearranged the state of his clothing and climbed back on the main deck.

"If James only knew..." he heard Gillette whisper when he had almost reached the trapdoor.

Norrington smiled.

He would still be an insomniac, but his lonely nights were over.

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