
A Sailor's Desire

by DrBillBongo

Pairing: Gillette/Dauntless
Rating: PG-13
Originally Posted: 6/01/05
Beta: Hippediva
Summary: Gillette becomes acquainted with HMS Dauntless.
Note: For DaughterMestizo's request of Gillette/Dauntless.

He was on a lonesome island, enjoying the sound of the soft breeze brushing through the palm trees and of the tide softly rubbing over the sandy shore. The sky was cloudless, almost paradise, as the sun shone brightly through the palm leaves and crawled through the ground, warming the sand from the inside.

And there she was: a tall, beautiful woman with long red curls, lying in the water naked as she was born. Her green eyes sparkled lively as she greeted her new guest with an inviting, almost flirtatious wink. Baffled, he stared at her, unsure where to look at all. As the sea started caressing her curves, the waves flowing around her well-proportioned frame like a lover's touch, he suddenly wished nothing more than to be one of the drops of water running over her skin.

And she let him. She gave in to him, gave herself to him like he had never expected a woman ever would. Inexplicable, unbelievable, a once in a lifetime chance to grasp heaven.

As he moved his hands slowly along her thighs up to her hips during the aftermath of lovemaking, fingers lazily brushing her firm buttocks as he lay beside her, he suddenly came over it. A small sign above her coccyx, almost like a tattoo.


He woke up with a start, breathing heavily, his sweat-damped uniform clinging to his body. During the first moments, he was completely oblivious to his surroundings, half of him still lost in the paradise of his dream, reluctant to leave. He didn't even notice that he was still clutching the Dauntless' wheel possessively, as if holding on to it would get him back to her.

But Lieutenant Andrew Gillette knew that he would never see his ship the way he had before again.

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