
Everyone Wants Jack

by Webcrowmancer

Pairing: Jack/Everyone
Rating: Mostly Ar-R-rrr, for slash and sexual innuendo and mildly graphic description. Kiddies, shoo—go play—only adults allowed.
Disclaimer: The Mouse is the owner. I only play with them. ;)
Archive: Yes. Help yourself. Just include all, as they are a Drabble Series.
Originally Posted: 8/29/03
Beta: Moonsalt
Summary: It's not hard to see why everyone wants a piece of Captain Jack Sparrow. He really is a fine specimen, after all. At times it's bloody inconvenient, particularly when it happens to be his own crew, or the new boy, or Navy's men who just can't seem to keep their hands off him. But it is good to be wanted. There's more than enough to go around, keep everyone happy. Though some have a funny way of showing it. So long as there's enough rum involved, no reason why everyone can't have as much of Jack as their heart desires.

1: The Black Pearl - 'Mine'
He is mine, and he knows it. Barbossa knows it too; else I'd not tolerate his presence. We all love him, of course. But I'm the only one who owns his heart. He may stray from time to time, but he cannot ignore my call. I hum silently, luring him from afar. I invade his dreams and pointedly remind him of myself when he handles another. He cannot caress any ship without thinking of me. My sails may be ragged from neglect and my crew turned into a parody of men, but I trust he will return. He is mine.


2: Barbossa - 'The Apple Of His Eye'
He lay back upon the gold, life ebbing coldly out of his body. He hated him with a passion, cold as the burning shot that pierced his heart. Stealing his ship had merely been the final victory as he grinned, watching his captain standing helplessly on the shore as it receded. Yet it was empty for all that, leaving a gaping hole. Naming the monkey after him had helped somewhat, but still the ache had remained. Nothing had ever felt so good as running his sword into him, yet even then he'd been cheated of his final triumph. Damn it.


3: Will - 'Manhood'
He's taught me more of what it means to be a man then I ever would have wanted. The knowledge has been unwelcome, yet invaluable. I suspect he's holding out on me, but knowing him, that is hardly a surprise. His smiles are invitingly, annoyingly enigmatic. At times it is exasperating, but I remain patient, using the dedication that my craft has taught me. Like a good sword, a friendship requires care. But the wait grows tiresome and I long for action. Why must I await his word on when the opportune moment has arrived? What is he waiting for?


4: Elizabeth - 'Bloody Pirates'
She stares disgustedly down at the pirate who passed out on the sand beside her. Who would've thought that the famous Captain Sparrow wouldn't be able to hold his liquor? She'd cheated, but only out of necessity. She can't help feeling disappointed. A girl likes to feel wanted, after all. Why, oh why, couldn't he have been the man she'd read about? As it turned out, he was just a man. A sense of foreboding fills her; Barbossa was evil, Jack was only a man... What of Will? As he snores, she grits her teeth in maidenly frustration and yearns.


5: James Norrington - 'Firm Resolve'
A day's head start. He'd been fooling no-one. He's regretted it ever since. Sometimes, the only ease he finds is in standing overlooking the horizon, wondering why he'd allowed black sails to disappear. A grave error in judgment, yet it afforded a sense of hope, which remained welcome over the futile loss that crept over him when the noose was placed over Jack's head. This way was better, or so he kept telling himself. His conscience burns, not for allowing the pirate his freedom, but in freeing his own feelings, which he'd never imagined could be so bloody irritating.


6: Anamaria - 'Thief Of Her Heart'
If she ever catches up with that black-hearted son of a bitch again, she will blow a hole in him. Stolen her ship, as well as her heart. She knows she can bide her time. Their paths will cross again. This is one man who's yet to learn that he cannot treat her so poorly and get away with it. She'll kill him, she will. She growls angrily, finding he'd also liberated her pockets of loose change the previous night. She won't kill him immediately. She swears colorfully. Why had she imagined that he was any different from the others?


7: Gibbs - 'Irish Cream'
When Irish Ayes Arrrr Smiling... Gibbs is resting in his favorite haunt, the barn with the piggies... In the sty. And he is resting against the pigs as they sleep with little grunting snores, warm and cushiony against his drunken head. They don't squirm or complain and are happy to lie there. He decides to have a wank, and realizes he can only think of one thing: Jack's eyes. 'Course, everyone knows Jack Sparrow's first love is the Pearl... but a man can dream, can't he? 'Course, he doesn't want the real thing. Does he? Whiskey's wonderful sometimes, and he discovers Jack Sparrow is too.


8: Unknown - 'Magic'
I rest upon his thigh, drawing everyone's eyes, and causing feminine sighs. Gloating, I take all satisfaction in knowing which direction we are going. For he always handles me with the greatest care, jealously guarding me from other's touches. I delight in embodying his most precious asset, for without me there'd be no treasure, nor any need to seek it. I sleep against him, until he reaches for me, awakening me from my enchanted slumbering dreams. Tucked away, I open to his hand and the course is laid, the journey begins, ending always the same way: his pleasure and mine.

Highlight for Answer --> [ Answer: no-brainer, me heartie: I'm his compass. ;-) ]

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