Comments on For Want Of A Nail

Number of comments: 5

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From: Miss Poodle
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Date: 10/23/2013
loved it!
From: humanoidmegg
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Date: 09/10/2011
Lovely interaction between Jack and Gabriel! Very enjoyable read :)
From: Leyko
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Date: 08/10/2011
This is LOVELY. I adored your story, some descriptions were just awesome, and some parts absolutely hilarious.

I had a wonderful time reading, I really liked it and I think you are an amazing writer ^^ Go you!
From: jkhf
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Date: 07/04/2011
your story is amazing!! and a good length, but i have to agree with the previous comment, the name being changed really is off putting, at first i thought is was a added middle name but then i realised you changed it. plllleeeeease change it back.

Thanks for writing the fic :)
From: Rae
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Date: 03/21/2008
I really enjoyed your story, what i read of it, but i couldn't get past the fact that you changed Norrington's name from James to Gabriel. please change it its a really BIG mistake to make and makes the story off putting to read. otherwise your story is really great, i just can't get past that one thing.

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