
In the Garden of Moonlight and Music

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters and concept. No copyright infringement is intended. I'm not making a profit from this work of fiction.
Originally Posted: 4/22/04
Note: Unrelentingly schmoopy and romantic.
Summary: Will and Elizabeth's wedding is a magical time indeed.

As they walked out to the garden, away from the celebrations and the guests, under cover of darkness lit only by the new moon, Jack reached for his hand and James let him take it. This was no overt gesture, simply a gentle interlacing of fingers hidden by their bodies from the view of anyone who might have been watching. James rubbed his thumb across the back of Jack's hand. From inside the Governor's mansion drifted the bright strains of a string quartet.

They found they were quite alone in the garden with the lush scent of greenery filling their nostrils. They wandered deep into the neatly trimmed bushes skirting beds of sleepy flowers, stopping near a trickling fountain. When James tugged Jack went willingly into his arms, laying his head against the brocaded chest of a man who was the law on the small island but, on this night, at this moment, was simply a man seeking a bit of precious time alone with his lover.

His arms holding Jack tightly to his body, James pressed his cheek onto the top of the braided hair. He carefully avoided a rough-edged bauble that tried to bite into his jaw every time he found himself in such a position. Jack had forgone his usual elaborate gear and scarf to arrive at the wedding wearing something resembling a gentleman's suit, yet was a riot of golds and reds. It bore a distinct Oriental influence. The pirate wound his arms around James's waist, hands sneaking low under the long blue uniform coat to caress the firm flesh it hid. James retaliated by sliding one hand up Jack's silk-clothed spine and under the heavy mass of dreadlocks to cup his head. His fingers massaged Jack's skull eliciting from his throat a small sound not unlike a purr.

When the quartet struck up a slow piece of music made especially for lovers, James began to move. He swayed gently taking Jack with him and the older man went willingly. Then they began to turn in a circle moving together in a slow sensual way.

Jack chuckled softly as the music progressed.

"Have you found something amusing, Jack?"

"Always knew ye were a romantic at heart, Jamie, me love. Granting a notorious pirate a night's reprieve to attend the wedding of dear friends."

James snorted in undisguised amusement.

"That is your definition of romantic? What about this?" He gestured at their surroundings. Now they stood in place, still in physical possession of each other.

"Aye. 'Tis lovely, but anywhere I can dance with me heart's own is where I want to be. This setting is merely magic for other couples what might need a bit of assistance. Unnecessary for us, really, but lovely just the same."

"Now who is the romantic?" James lifted his head so he could gaze with undisguised fondness at the man in his arms.

"Never plead otherwise, love," Jack replied grinning up at him.

The corner of James's eyes crinkled. "Dance with me," he whispered.

"Aye, Commodore. I'll dance wit' ye, but only if ye promise to meet me at our cove a week earlier than we planned."

Puzzled, James asked, "A week earlier. But why?"

"Just because, me love, just because. I miss ye. I want to see ye sooner and more often. That's all." A slight tremor betrayed his passion.

Smiles came more readily to James these past few months and so he nodded, his throat tight with emotion. He managed to get out, "Yes. I'll be there."

Accepting the promise, Jack tucked himself up under James's chin again, and closed his eyes while his lover led them in slow steps across the lawn.

# end

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