
Just Catting Around

by The Dala

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 7/16/04
Note: raphe1, here's your feline-inspired Sparrington. PWP-ish :) I keep shooting for 100 words and just failing miserably. Oh well. The rest of the PotC ficlets are going to take a bit more time, because they all want to be longer than they have any right to be.
Summary: Jack purrs.

The first time James takes Jack in his mouth, which is almost immediately after Jack does the same for him with very profitable results, he discovers something more interesting than the taste and the texture.

Jack purrs.

It's not the same kind of sound he made while James was thrust halfway down his throat. That was carefully orchestrated to drive James mad with pleasure, and it was clear to James even when he wasn't exactly thinking clearly that Jack meant to do it. This soft thrum sounds involuntary, like Jack doesn't even realize he's doing it. It ends in a growl when James pauses to think on it.

"Problem?" Jack looks down at him, his pupils huge and dark and his lids narrowed. James has seen that look from many a cat—we both know you want nothing more out of life than to keep me content, so get to it.

James drops a kiss on the head of Jack's cock, reaching up to pry Jack's fingers from where they've been digging into his skull. "You need your nails trimmed."

Jack's lips curve in a smirk and he taps James on the nose. "So sorry. I get a bit careless after I've had my cream." He strokes his hands through James's loose hair, kneading occasionally with his fingertips. "Better?"

"Much," James replies. He returns to his task, sliding his lips down the smooth shaft, flicking his tongue, taking him as deep as he's learned how, wanting to hear...

"Ohhh," Jack sighs, and he starts up that rumbling purr again. James smiles around the pulsing organ in his mouth. Jack's toes curl when he comes and he remembers not to tug on James's hair while James is swallowing him down. It doesn't taste anything like cream, but he can understand the comparison nonetheless. Fastidious as any cat, he licks Jack clean before crawling up his body to the beckon of a crooked finger. They nestle under the sheets together, stroking palms along tired muscles.

James kisses the gold ring piercing Jack's left nipple. "You purr, did you know that?"

"An' you yowl like a tomcat on the prowl," Jack replies with a throaty chuckle, "what of it?"

"I do not," James protests sleepily, a yawn making his ears pop.

Jack tuts and says, "Hush. Catnap before the sun rises." James is asleep before he finishes the sentence.

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