
Moments Like This

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters. No copyright infringement intended. No profits made from this work of fiction.
Originally Posted: 8/12/05
Summary: Mornings were made for moments like this.

The scratch of quill on paper woke James. Following a very long and tense month spent chasing pirates and getting by with little sleep, he should have been disoriented upon waking in a bed not his own, but he was not. That first glimpse of oak beams overhead, the battered mahogany sea chest in the corner and oriental screen incongruously propped against the far wall told him all he needed to know. He was aboard the Pearl, having arrived in the middle of the night by rowboat where the ship was anchored out of sight from Port Royal. It was not necessary now for her captain to hide his ship, as he was authorized to be in Jamaican waters—as long as he did not attack British owned ports and property.

James smiled to himself. He knew Jack kept things clandestine for the sake of James's career. After more than a year of furtive meetings they had been granted the luxury of circumstances often providing them reason to spend time together. As yet they could not sleep together on board a Navy vessel, but the crew of the privateer ignored and accepted them for the most part. He rose up on his right elbow and gazed at the bare, scarred back hunched over the sturdy wooden table in the master cabin.

He threw back the covers and reached for his breeches, pulling them on, but not buttoning them all the way up, before padding barefoot over to the table. Lightly, he placed his hand on a tanned shoulder, the skin warm to his touch.

Jack paused in his writing to smile up at him. Then he pursed his lips in an exaggerated kissing motion. James obliged by leaning down and following through on the hint. He pressed his mouth to Jack's and swept his tongue once over the slightly chapped lips. They parted under his inquiry. When he pulled back only far enough to clearly see the dark eyes dancing under his gaze he slipped his hands under the dark mane of tangled braids and dreadlocks and kissed Jack again. This time when they parted Jack returned his attention to his writing. Leaning over his shoulder James saw that he was doing the accounts. Even pirates... privateers needed to keep stock of money spent on supplies.

Not terribly interested in that, as it was too close to his daily work life, James noted that Jack was also dressed only in his breeches. He ran his hands over slim shoulders and across his back. Then he urged Jack to slide forward on the chair until he could throw his leg over and slip in behind him. There wasn't quite enough room for them both, but they managed to get Jack settled between James's legs without actually sitting in his lap. To avoid falling off, Jack hooked his left foot around James's ankle. James helped by winding his arms around the tight, muscular waist and held him in place. A sun-bronzed shoulder tasted salty under his exploring tongue. Then he watched him write for a few minutes. Jack's body heat warmed James, who was still sleepy and feeling lazy on a bright and shiny morning when he should have found something productive to do. He rested his face in the thick black hair, with an ear unintentionally but conveniently pressed against a tiny conch-shaped shell trapped in the ropey mass. Letting his imagination sweep him away he swore he could hear the sea in Jack's hair. His eyes closed and his mind drifted further.

Jack rubbed his free hand across James's possessive arms and continued with his cost figuring. His contented smile made promises for later.

# end

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