
More Tales Beyond the Shore

by The Dala

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 7/2/07
Note: Jack/James ficlet, which presupposes a future with James the captain of the Dutchman and Jack having found the Fountain of Youth. Title from Flogging Molly.
Summary: Jack and James ponder their state of being.

"Sailing the seas forever," Jack declared, flinging his arm out so dramatically that he nearly tumbled them both out of the bunk.

James sighed and nudged him with a foot. "Well, obviously. What else?"

"Hair'll never go white—no offense to the accoutrements of your previous station, love."

"None taken," said James, declining to mention the dozen or so gray hairs he'd discovered in Jack's tangled black mane. "I suppose I'm glad to avoid the thickening of the waist that seems to be the fate of all naval captains of a certain age."

Jack patted his firm stomach appreciately. "Dunno if that's strictly part of the deal, mate, but I take your meaning." His hand lingered, fingertips walking the dark trail from James' navel downwards. "I won't miss me bones going brittle, nor me eyesight dimming."

James was glad for those bright dark eyes as well, but he thought he ought to steer the discussion around a more philosophical bend. "The job is interesting, of course. We'll get to meet all manner of people throughout the centuries."

"We will," said Jack, kissing his collarbone, "and we can catch up with the goings-on of the world at large when we make port. A different shore—no, an entirely different country every time ten years, how does 'at sound?"

James was going to extract a promise that they would spend those days ashore collecting news and books in addition to rum, but Jack's rough fingers wrapped around his cock just then and he lost his train of thought in a moan.

"Hmm," Jack said, brow furrowed as he tugged slowly at James. "Yes, I do believe I agree wi' you about the best part of being immortal, Jamie."

"I didn't—" Jack's other hand rubbed his at the inside of his thigh, coaxing his legs apart. "I didn't say anything," James gasped out as Jack rolled over on top of him.

Jack's grin glinted in the moonlight. "Aye, but what you meant was 'getting to do this for all eternity,' am I right?"

James would never admit such a thing, particularly not when Jack was sliding down to trade hand for mouth—but he wasn't wrong.

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