

by Doolabug

Pairing: J/N
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Disney's
Originally Posted: 6/1/07
Note: Based on an artifact from an early-1800s shipwreck (see photo).
Summary: James gets a present.

"Aye, but what is it?" Gibbs pulled back the hand he'd stretched out to touch the thing. He'd never seen its like and wasn't sure he really wanted to handle it.

"Well, I'd say it's a shaker of some sort. See the holes in the end, there?" Jack wasn't sure, really, but didn't like to appear anything other than worldly. He had a reputation to uphold, after all.

"But... what does it shake?"

artifact"How the bloody hell should I know? Salt? Pepper? Maybe sand for parchment? I can shake any damn thing I want, now can't I?" Jack was becoming a tad irritated, since he didn't intend to use the object to shake anything at all.

"Alright, alright, don't get yer knickers in a twist. I'm only asking, is all." Gibbs turned away to go about his duties, shaking his head for the forty-seven-thousandth time at his captain's eccentricities.

Jack turned the small ceramic object in his hand and an evil smile curled his lips. Yes, he thought it would do nicely.


"So what is this 'present' I keep hearing about?" James was stretched comfortably on his back, hands crossed behind his head as he relaxed on Jack's bed, utterly mother-naked and unconcerned about it. He'd only just gotten there and was enjoying the feel of his cock stretching and filling as he imagined the afternoon's activities.

Jack showed that evil smile, then grinned wider when James's cock twitched. "Just a little something I found in New Orleans. You can't imagine the kinds of shops they have there." He turned to reach under the sheet to retrieve his treasure, then held it out to James.

James sat up, staring. "What, exactly, is that."

"It's a shaker, of course, but I thought we could, erm, well, perhaps find another use for it?" Jack's grin was more hopeful and pleading than evil this time.

"Oh?" James turned the object in his hand and Jack could see the moment it clicked. James looked up at him with a gleam in his green eyes, "And just what did you have in mind?"

Jack positively purred. "Why don't you turn over and I'll show you."

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