

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters. No copyright infringement intended. No profit made from this work of fiction. Summary: it's hard work sometimes.
Originally Posted: 3/17/06
Summary: (This has nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day)

Jack staggered from the bed to the wall and slid to the floor. He sank down with his legs splayed in front of him, hands flopping loosely on his bare thighs, letting his head thump against the wall. Sighing, he closed his eyes to savour the moment.


He sighed again. It was more heartfelt this time.

"Yes, love?" He tried but failed to keep the weariness out of his voice.

"Come back to bed."

"Soon, love."

"Make it sooner, Jack." There was no mistaking the command. It was the audible pout that made Jack open his eyes. James had never looked more beautiful, with his shining chestnut hair falling into sea-green eyes. The blush of recent sex lightly tinted his cheeks. He deliberately leaned back to rest his weight on his elbows and somehow managed to look even more appealing than he had seconds earlier. The sheet pooled around his waist and one pale limb lay outside the rumpled cotton. He had very long legs that could wrap around a fellow's waist while he thrust... Jack swallowed hard, feeling the faintest stirrings of arousal.

He was taking a break. Best he remembered that.

"'M a bit tired, love. Y' worked me too hard."

"Then come back to bed and let me hold you while you sleep." James shifted his weight and languidly held out a hand.

Chuckling, Jack said, "Last time y'said that I ended up with m'face planted in the pillow and you goin' at me from behind like a ruttin' bull."

"You enjoyed it."

"Oh, aye. That I did."

"Then come. Do it again."

Jack raised an eyebrow at that one.

"I'm not too sure about the first part, as I'm too tired to come again for at least a day... I mean an hour." It would be more like two days the way he felt. "As to the second part, I'm kinda sore."

Immediately contrite, James slipped out of bed and very nearly slinked over to Jack. Not even in his current... mood could James Norrington get all of the Navy out of his spine. He came damn close, though, and Jack couldn't help but admire that. Then James was kneeling next to him. The heady scent of musk saturated Jack's senses and he had to fight to keep himself from falling headlong back into the mindless indulgence of carnal pleasure. James trailed a callused finger along Jack's cheek. He leaned in to brush his lips across Jack's quivering mouth. Damn, but he was good.

"Hang on, Jamie-love. You know this isn't right."

"We both want it," James breathed in Jack's ear, "how can it not be right?"

Jack completely lost his train of thought. "Because?"

"Come back to bed," James spoke in a variation of that low, silky voice that had made Jack's toes curl the day they met on the docks. The difference was today there was the extra punch of lovemaking heating up his words, his tone, his intimate knowledge of Jack's body.

Not sure how it came about—except that it had something to do with the piercing, sexy-intense look in those green eyes, Jack found himself lying back on the bed with James following him down and pressing, no, fusing their bodies together.

The rest was a blur of exquisite sensation. On some level Jack was aware of how James used his hands to make Jack relax and then arouse him to the point where he thought he would break in two. James's mouth traveled over Jack's body, raising gooseflesh, taking him to heights he had never before reached. He sucked and licked and kissed until Jack screamed, and then he took him again—gently, and despite his exhaustion Jack loved every second of it.

Later, in Jamie's arms, his nerve-endings finally stopped twanging because there was only so much a man's body could endure. It was physically impossible to be any more tired than Jack felt, he was sure.

Rubbing his face against the sprinkling of hair on James's chest he was rewarded with the sound of that strong heart slowing to a sleepy beat. At last, he thought, craving sleep himself. But first, one thing needed to be said.


James mumbled something in reply.

"Next time y'say we should stay away from creepy, witchy old crones and be sure not to invoke any more curses, make sure I listen t'you?"

# end

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