
Clashing Elements

by Giselle

Pairing: J/W
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, they unfortunately belong to the Mouse who fails to acknowledge their massively gay potential.
Originally Posted: 1/2/08
Dedication: Written for lise_ann because she's a pirate porn enabler that sent me the bonus DVD for AWE of extra footage Best Buy put out. She's my hero *cheers and claims things with flags in her name*
Warning: This fic totally disregards anything and everything that happened post-CotBP just because I want it that way... and let's face it, this sucker ain't exactly plot driven anyhoo *g*
Summary: Jack contemplates the mystery of Will... while doing naughty things.

Jack was pacing the beach impatiently.

'Surely he didn't mean alone alone.'

Jack stopped pacing and looked toward the tangle of leaves where Will had disappeared mere minutes before with the admonition to, 'let me have an hour's peace.'

'Surely not without

Jack looked up at the sun then back at the tangle of leaves then back at the sun and figured since he wasn't quite sure when Will had actually made his declaration it wasn't Jack's fault if he failed to give dear William the entire hour.

Although Jack was quite sure not more than ten minutes or so had actually passed. That was, if he thought about it at all... which he hadn't, therefore and henceforth, it was out of his hands if the full hour's time had not been met.

Besides, surely Will hadn't meant that he needed an hour's peace from his dear old Jack, it had to be from the rest of the blighty crew that he was needin' his peace.

Not Jack.

Decidedly not Jack.

First step swaying a bit on the instability of the sand, Jack took another forward toward the tangle of leaves and into the deep dark unknown. Well, actually it wasn't entirely unknown since the Pearl often stopped at the island to partake of the fresh water reserves therein, but it was unknown as to William's mood... and his sword, and as such Jack was well aware caution was to be had.

Jack unconsciously rubbed his backside in remembrance of the last time he failed to heed the signs and ended up with a boot to the arse, but by good god damn! How was he supposed to know that when Will hollered at him, 'Jack Sparrow! If you so much as say another word I'll kick your backside so hard it won't see a sit down for a week!' that he had actually meant it?

Will was so unpredictable like that, damned inconsiderate if Jack thought about it at all... which he didn't.

He did, however, take comfort in the fact that he could indeed sit down quite comfortably after three days time and not the proclaimed week that had been originally intended.

Jack smiled smugly at the thought... then rubbed his arse again.

Bugger Will and his well-aiming foot.

Slapping his way through the barely discernable path the crew, and others before them, had managed to clear out on the way to the water source, Jack started humming to himself. Perhaps if he hummed very slowly his feet would, in turn, walk very slowly and he'd therefore get to Will a little less quickly and forego any possible stabbings to vital, and much loved, body parts.

Of course, if he stopped hummin' altogether he could very well sneak up on young William in a decidedly pleasant state of dishabille.

Possibly pleasantly wet dishabille at that.

Grinning to himself, Jack continued on his way, but with a tad bit more stealth than before. He only had to pause once to shush a very inconsiderate bird that kept on squawking at him and all but heralded his approach.

Damned bird.

But before he could wish the bird to death on a spit, he heard faint splashing, a siren's call, if you will... and Jack will, thank you very much. A faint trickling tease calling him to feast his eyes upon William's nakedness.

And again, may he add, wet nakedness.

The wet aspect was a categorically important one.

Jack followed his feet as they followed the sound of Will splashing in the pool of water he had retreated to only a few minutes before. Although Jack didn't protest the results, a sweet smelling and all shiny like Will, he still couldn't figure out what Will's fuss with staying so clean was all about. Will was fastidiously clean. Every time they stopped at a port or stepped onto land that provided a pool of water of any kind, Will was there ready to take a leap and a bath.

The only thing Jack could figure out was the wet nakedness.

That, as was mentioned prior, was empathetically important.

Jack always figured a good thin layer of dirt and what all was needed to keep all manner of sickness and disease at bay. One needed a nice coating, besides, it'd never do for a pirate to be so damned clean, unless the pirate smelled as sweet as Will did, then Jack could make an exception... excepting the fact that Will would box his ears if he knew Jack thought he smelt sweet or if Jack told him anyone else did.

Deliciously jealous little bugger, that one.

Finally Jack's feet had carried him close enough to the pool that he could get a good peek through the leaves as Will leisurely floated on his back. Jack wasn't necessarily a religious man, but Jesus, Mary and Joseph was he happy for the blessing of that particular sight. He'd be saying his prayers that night, thanking the good gods for smiling down on him.

Jack watched Will for a few minutes in quiet solitude until his quiet couldn't remain quiet a moment longer and he got up to saunter on over to the pool to take a closer, more personal, look-see.

"'Bout time you made yourself known." Will said with lazy irritation, his eyes remaining closed as he floated.

"And here I was believin' I was being all stealthy and such."

"You should make sure your heavy breathing knows that fact next time."

"As long as there's a next time, luv, as long as there's a next time," Jack hummed placatingly as he copped a squat on a rock and stuck his bare feet into the water.

Will stopped floating and stood up, the water doing Jack a favor as it slid down Will's chest in rivulets. "Didn't I tell you to give me a bit of peace?" Will asked as he gave Jack the eye.

"I figured you couldn't very well mean from yours truly."

"Who else would I be talking to, Captain, if not to you?"

"Well, there was this bird... " Jack began as he started gesturing and shoving his finger in the direction of that damned squawking bird.

"A bird?"

"Yes. A bird. A great squawking bird not at all concerned with your peace whereas I, being the considerate dear that I am, knew you wanted your peace so I therefore walked very slowly to give you just that. Peace. Viola!"

"You walked slowly?"

"Indeed I did."

"In response to that ridiculous proclamation should I roll my eyes, sigh heavily or simply box your ears?"

"Me ears had nuthin' to do with this, it were my feet that brought me here," Jack protested.

Using his feet to push off the bottom of the pool and propel himself toward Jack, Will came floating up to Jack's feet. "Then what sort of punishment shall these toes reap?" he asked as he grabbed at Jack's feet.

"Now, now, luv, you know me toes are a mite bit ticklish... " Jack said as he started to squirm.

"They are... " Will agreed.

"So if you'd be so kind as to let them go... "

"Let them go? I think not, Jack."

"Please?" Jack asked with a pitiful little face.

Will tugged on Jack's feet a bit, "Seeing as how you've done me such a service by divesting yourself of nearly all your clothes before walking ever so slowly to me I feel you're wanting to have a bath of your own."

Jack shook his head and tried to twist his feet out of Will's grip, "Not so, lad, I believe your feelings are mistaken."

Will tugged a little bit harder and Jack slipped down the rock. "You know I love it when you smell clean, don't you want to make me happy, Jack?"

"Well, of course I do, luv, but you see... whaaa... ." Jack didn't get much further before Will yanked one final time on his feet and pulled him straight down into the water. Jack came up spluttering and cursing as Will laughed at him, "Damnit all, William! Give a man more warning next time. I've got water up me nose."

Will laughed harder as he patted Jack on the head and pushed off, floating away from Jack's reach. "Poor Jacky."

Jack growled a bit at the patronizing tone before lunging forward and reaching out to grab a still laughing Will. His arms wrapped about the slippery wet skin of Will's waist. "Got you," he crowed triumphantly as he dragged Will against him.

Will looked down into Jack's eyes, "Only because I let you."

"Let me? That's rich, luv," Jack scoffed as he pushed his leg between Will's, running it slowly between his thighs. Will only raised an eyebrow and gave Jack another one of his looks that Jack knew oh-so-well. It was the look William had that indicated he well knew Jack was mad as an asylum but was going to humor him to keep him from throwing a fit. Jack pushed his knee up against Will's bollocks and grinned wickedly, only wishing he had tossed off his trousers along with the rest of his clothes when he was back on the beach. Will smiled enigmatically and pushed himself away from Jack who hadn't been expecting the move and let him slip through his fingers.

Jaw going slack from surprise, Jack watched Will float backward until his back gently hit the rock Jack had just been sitting on, "What in God's name are ya doin' over there? I'm right here," Jack added as he raised his arm and pointed rather strenuously down at his head.

"Your point being... ?"

"My point being? My point being is that you should be over here as well, you and that delightful little backside I'm so very fond of."

"My delightful little backside is staying right here."

"You may think that, but I highly doubt it will happen," Jack proclaimed with a great deal of confidence as he ducked down to his neck in the water and swam slowly toward Will.

Will idly watched Jack as he swam up to him, coming close enough that his breath rippled across Will's chest before Jack's own chest brushed against it as he stood up, his body slithering up the length of Will's. Will leaned back on his elbows and Jack leaned with him so they remained nose to nose.

"I'm not going to fornicate you, Jack Sparrow," Will said with a charming smile.

Jack chuckled low in his throat, "So polite, darlin', I love it when you're polite... makes me toes curl up and me gut twist. Of course, it also makes me want to be desperately impolite in return."

"Well you are wonderfully contrary," agreed Will.

Jack's lips skimmed along Will's jaw, "One of the many reasons ya love me so, isn't that right, luv?"

Will let Jack's lips skip along the curves of his face, but he remained stubbornly still, his elbows resting on the rock behind him and his hands hanging unmoving at his sides. Clearly spurred on by Will's stillness, Jack's hands were moving along on their contrary little way, fingers dancing across warm wet skin and flickering over nipples pebbled hard from the coolness of the water.

As Jack was busy lapping up the rivulets of water that were dripping off of Will's curls and traveling over his collar bone and down his chest, Will's lips curled up in a slight grin, "I still won't be fornicating with you, Captain."

Jack looked up at Will, his tongue still pressed against smooth skin, and the sight made Will laugh out loud. Jack looked so absolutely affronted that anyone, especially William, wouldn't want to fornicate with him that his blatantly shocked expression, combined with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, was beyond comical.

After hearing Will's laughter and spotting the glint in his eyes, Jack reacted in his typical fashion and before Will knew it Jack had hooked his arms around the backs of Will's thighs. Will looked at him in surprise, but laughed merrily when Jack abruptly pushed up as he picked Will up and plopped him, and his wet naked arse, down on top of the rock.

"Well then, I shall just have to fornicate with you all on my onesies," Jack declared as he slapped his hands down on Will's knees and pushed his legs apart without further ado.

Will leaned back on his hands and let Jack spread his legs. "I suppose you shall," he replied blithely as he began to lazily swing his feet back and forth in the water.

Jack growled a bit in the back of his throat like an ornery dog as he grabbed Will's ankles and held his feet still while he slowly dragged a few kisses across the inside of Will's knee. "You're a lot of trouble you are, William Turner."

"Just as you like me, Jack Sparrow."

"Sometimes that's debatable, luv," Jack muttered as his mouth made its way from Will's knee up to this thigh.

"I would have to say pishposh to that seeing as how you're, at the moment, licking the inside of my thigh."

Jack removed his lips from the soft cool skin of Will's inner thigh to look up at him and declare, "Just because you've got the loveliest thighs of anyone in all the seven seas does not mean I cannot strongly dislike you at times."

"So, you're very angrily kissing the inside of my thigh?" Will asked as he lightly skimmed his foot along Jack's hip.

"At the moment? Yes."

"Because you dislike me?" Will grinned as his toes found another piece of Jack's anatomy.

Jack pushed against Will's foot as he leaned forward and licked his way along Will's thigh to where his leg met his hip and there, in the crease that smelled so strongly of Will, he whispered, "Immensely, luv. I dislike you immensely right now."

"Clearly," Will replied calmly as he pulled his foot away from Jack and out of the water as he slowly draped his long leg over Jack's shoulder.

Jack heard the steady calmness of Will's voice, but he could also feel Will's cock coming to life against his cheek. He smiled to himself and pressed his face back into that lovely crease and inhaled deeply. He loved the smell of Will almost as much as he loved the taste of him. He was forever amazed at how he could smell and taste both of fire and of the sea.

Jack had never met anyone, and he had met many, that had two such opposite elements living inside them.

Water and fire.

That was his William.

Jack could lick across his skin, even after being bathed in pure fresh water, and it would taste like the sea. It tasted as if the sea herself lived in his pores and covered him with her essence, as if the salty grains had fallen into his pores to live along with the fire smoldering there and their taste rose to the surface for Jack's tongue to taste, Will's body a living field of sea and flames. Jack was often surprised Will's skin didn't give off steam as the flames burning inside him rippled and lapped across his body keeping him simmering hot to the touch.


Fire and water.

Smoke of the flames, salt of the seas.

So many opposites, bitter rivals, clashing elements living harmoniously inside one perfect body.

Jack liked to think everything about William, from the sound of his breathing as he slept to what he would say at any given moment, was entirely and completely known to him, but every day he would again realize that there would always be a piece of William that would forever remain a mystery. Every day a new thing to surprise him, a new thing to discover, a new thing to turn itself from a mystery into a revelation.

Known, yet not.

Jack was often wonderfully shocked by how innocent Will remained through all they had seen and done. In fact, at time's, Will's innocence pierced Jack's soul in a way that nothing else ever had... the sheer joy of knowing someone who could remain so pure caused Jack's soul to glow. But at the same time Will was the most deliciously and audaciously wanton creature Jack had ever had the good fortune to encounter. The sounds he made, the way he moved, the words he'd whisper in Jack's ear in the middle of the day, scorched through his veins like a ball of flames.

Innocent, yet sinful.

Jack would frequently want to forcefully pull words out of Will's throat at times, so silent and taciturn he could be. Jack was often driven crazy, crazier, by Will's reserved nature, by the fact that he actually thought through things. He took his own sweet time to do things right while frustrating Jack to the point of insanity. Will's quiet was, at turns, the only peace Jack knew as well as the most maddening thing he could imagine. So steady and sure, yet when Jack or any member of the crew were threatened, a fierceness would explode through Will's body like a shot, his blades slicing, his fists swinging. There was nothing more deadly than William on the defense. Watching Will fight stirred something inside Jack that he had thought was long lost.

Reserved, yet fierce.

All these clashing, fighting opposites were William.

Jack wound his arm underneath Will's thigh and held it to him as he closed his eyes for a moment and let the rush of Will run through him.

Will watched Jack as he held him and he picked up a hand to run it over the side of Jack's face, the thumb trailing over Jack's lips, to come to rest in his hair. "I'll still not fornicate with you, Jack" he whispered as he stroked Jack's hair.

Jack smiled against Will's thigh then laughed when the feel of the smile against his skin caused Will to throw his leg off of Jack's shoulder and grasp him under the arms, swiftly dragging Jack up out of the water and on top of him. Once Will laid back and settled Jack quite firmly on his chest, Jack carded his fingers through Will's hair as he looked down at him and smiled against his lips, "Looks as if I may be able to persuade you otherwise."

Will smiled and kissed Jack, "Under much duress, I can assure you."

"Clearly, luv," Jack chuckled as he kissed him back.

The End

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