
Differing Interpretations

by Hippediva

Pairing: J/W
Rating: hmmmm...ambiguously PG
Disclaimer: Rodent owns, I pilfer
Originally Posted: 5/23/05
Note: I did it! I actually wrote Jack/Will. This is for capnsparrow4evr since she coaxed me into thinking well... maybe Will isn't so bad. *G* A very different style for me in this fandom. What can I say? I went into a rather silly place today.
Summary: "Jack, what in the world are you doing?"

"Jack, what in the world are you doing?"

"Jus' give me a hand 'ere, willya?"

"I don't think it's helping."

"Try again... tha's a bit better."

"I don't see how it can help. Get that out of my face!"

"You do it! Yer the one wif the big strong blacksmith arms!"


"Sorry, luv. Jus' a bit more... yeah, no it's deeper in there."

"Jack, I feel ridiculous."

"Tha' should make ya feel right at 'ome."

"No wonder you get slapped all the time."

"Listen, whelp, I'm gettin' really stiff. Y'know me knees ain't what they used t'be."

"You really are crazy."

"Jus' do it, damn yer hide!"

"Alright, stupid bloody pirate!"

"Can ya feel anythin'?"

"No, Jack. I can't."

"Dammit t' Hell an' back again."

"Jack, would you please move!"

"Listen, whelp, if I could I would."

"Jack, what in God's name! Hey, stop that!"

"Sorry. Jus' get on with it."

"Wait a minute. I feel something."

"'Bout time! Y'know yer da was a mite quicker at this."

"One more word about my father and I swear I'll—"

"Stupid whelp!"

"Bloody pirate!"

"Ahh... think that I... almost... damnation!"



"I've got it."

"Finally. Ok, together..."



Will pitched forward and somehow managed to press an inadvertant and sloppy kiss against his cheek.

"Wot th' hell! I jus' wanted... wot was tha' fer?"

"Next time, don't toss your boots under the bed."


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