

by Gloria Mundi

Pairing: Various: slash and het, real and imaginary.
Rating: up to NC-17
Disclaimer: Characters in this story are the property of Jerry Bruckheimer, Johnny Depp and the Disney Corporation: I see no profit in this for me, nor is any gain or claim intended.
Originally Posted: January, 2005
Summary: Set somewhat after the events of CotBP, in a world whose history isn't quite the same as our own. When everything you loved is gone, what's left? Duty, honour, dreams, dust ...

Complete in 31 short chapters (23k words). Click here to read.

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Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al, and the actors who portrayed them. Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site.
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