
Mastery: Pages from a Blacksmith's Life

by Gryphons Lair

Rating: G
Disclaimer: Property of Disney, Bruckheimer, et al. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: Prologue - 8/19/06. Mastery - 3/27/05
Beta: My most sincere thanks to Mariah, a journeyman-level blacksmith/swordsmith, who provided invaluable technical assistance with this story. And, as always, to commodorified for encouragement, advice, and the sometimes necessary kick in the pants.
Note: Given that Mr. Brown has maybe 3 minutes total screen time, and one line, almost everything about him in this story is, of necessity, Totally Made Up. But I don't think it's completely unreasonable based on the little we see of him, and what we see of Will. 'Cause the man has to have had a fairly huge influence on Will, who lived under his roof for 8 years.
Summary: Mr Brown wasn't always the wreck of a man we see in CotBP. This is the story of how the master smith who taught Will to make beautiful swords became the drunk who was "right where Will left him". Begins 20 years before CotBP

Complete in 1 chapter. Click here to read.

Part of the Men Must Work universe.

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