
The Opportune Moment

by Doolabug

Pairing: None. J/E & J/W implied.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Disney's
Originally Posted: 6/9/06
Note: Drabble originally written for the POTC Dogwatch community.
Summary: The Commodore seizes the moment.

"House arrest! But that's... You can't..."

"Mr Turner. As the Crown's authority in this colony, I believe I can, actually."

"But Commodore, Jack is counting on me to join him! I must go."

"You must do nothing of the sort. You will, rather, remain in Port Royal and tend to your smithy. And, if I may remind you, to your new wife."

"Commodore Norrington, you don't understand. Jack and I, well, you see, we're..."

"I understand better than you think, Mr Turner, and now is, as Jack would say, the opportune moment to tell you, you don't get them both."

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