
Wigs 3: A Matter of Trust

by Doolabug

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Disney's
Originally Posted: 2/23/04
Note: Originally written for the Flagitious Abuse community.
Warning: Bondage, spanking
Summary: Third story of three. That poor, poor wig.

Follows Wigs 2: And More Wigs

He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow at Jack.

"'T's all a matter of trust, Jamie. D'you trust me?"

"Jack. Of course I trust you, else you wouldn't be here now, pirate as you are. But what has this to do with trust? It appears to be more along the lines of your, ah, proclivities. Just how long were you in the Far East?"

"Long enough. But this is about you, Jamie-luv. Now, I admit the idea of you bound and submitting to me... (dark smile from Jack, dark glower from James)... isn't unappealing, but do you trust me to ensure that you enjoy this as much as I will?"

James looked consideringly at Jack. The pirate's black-rimmed eyes glittered in the candlelight as he held James's gaze. A slow smile curved Jack's lips as he began to remove his sash and shirt; boots and hat had been left by the door. It wasn't that he mistrusted Jack, far from it after so much time. He just wasn't accustomed to voluntarily giving up his will. Jack's shirt fell to the floor, revealing dusky nipples and skin flushed gold in the low light. James lost all reservations, and his own shirt as well.

"Now just relax, luv." Jack clicked a manacle around James's wrist. "You'll like this." The second cuff clicked, holding James's hands just above head level. "Or at least I will." Jack cackled smugly as James looked at him with trepidation in his eyes. "Now, where to begin..." he mused as he stroked his chin braids.

Jack walked around his captive, tracing fingers lightly across chest muscles, allowing a nail to catch a nipple. James caught his breath; Jack continued around to stand behind him. He leaned forward, pressing his chest to James's smooth back and licked a hot trail from the nape of his neck down his spine, sliding down the taut body to his knees until he reached the barrier of his breeches. "Oh this will never do."

Jack circled the narrow hips with his arms, unfastening James's breeches with practiced fingers as he mouthed the soft skin at the top of his buttocks. He paused to curl his hand around the hardening flesh he felt. James gasped and Jack chuckled low in his throat. His hands settled on the commodore's hips and slid the material down. Jack's mouth followed, his tongue caressing the dip of James's flank and trailing the line of muscle down the hard thigh. Jack paused at the back of the unsteady knee, tracing his lips across the soft skin of one and then the other.

Jack rose and James kicked his breeches away. Moving to stand in front of James, Jack stepped back to admire the vision the commodore presented: entirely naked but for his wig and the manacles, a light sheen of sweat glistening across his forehead and pectorals, his cock standing proud of the thatch of curling hair. James leaned his forehead against an arm and looked at Jack from under dark lashes with an expression both wary and intense, his breath shuddering in his lungs.

Jack held his eyes and slid his breeches low on his hips. Seeing he had James's attention, he unfastened the buttons, allowing his hard cock to spring free. He stroked himself lightly twice, watching James's eyes go dark as his pupils dilated. Jack shoved the breeches down and stepped out of the puddled cloth, standing mother-naked but for his head scarf and his grin.

He stepped lightly across the floor and moved to position himself behind the restrained commodore. James moved to face him but Jack caught his shoulders, rubbing gently as he turned him away. "Just close your eyes and feel, luv." James obeyed and then gasped as he felt a lithe body pressed against him. His buttocks curved into Jack's lower stomach and he could feel the head of the pirate's hard cock pushed into the cleft of his ass. Jack's hands curled around his waist, fingers dancing over the ridges of muscle as he thrust lightly against the soft flesh. James groaned and pushed back.

Jack chuckled and stepped away. "James, you're manacled, mate, if you haven't noticed. I'm the one to decide when you'll thrust and when you'll not." And with that he playfully slapped a taut cheek. He wasn't expecting the guttural moan that emanated from James's throat. Jack looked wide-eyed at his captive. James tilted his head back and caught Jack's eye. "Well. Well now. Who'd've thought..."

Jack smacked James's ass again, an open-handed blow that resounded in the dark room. James sucked in breath with a hiss. Jack studied his face as he brought his hand down. James tossed his head back, eyes closed and powdered curls bouncing. Another smack and James's buttock was growing red. Another, harder. James spread his legs, bracing his feet against the force of Jack's blows. Each contact brought a gasp and a moan. Jack smoothed his hand around the heated flesh, feeling James's ass quivering under his touch.

The pirate stepped close, closing his other hand around James's straining cock. He stroked firmly down the length as he rubbed small circles on the sensitized skin. James cried out, thrusting forward as Jack's hand slapped again. He pushed back against the hand on his ass, pulling his cock through the strong grasp. "Oh, God, Jack. What have you done to me?"

Jack found a rhythm, stroking the blood-dark cock with one hand while spanking the muscled ass with the other. He listened to James's sounds, the moans and heavy breathing, and watched his face. When he judged the commodore getting close to release, he stopped the stroking and moved his hand to the sac beneath, massaging and tugging gently as his hand kept up the smacking behind. He nuzzled into James's neck, nosing aside the curls of the wig to get to the skin beneath, tasting sweat and arousal there.

Abruptly, he stopped the spanking and the stroking, again stepping behind James. Jack pressed his weeping cock to the heated cleft, and reached up to grasp the wig. Dragging it from James's head he watched the dark hair fall in disarray. James's head fell back, his back arched as he pushed back against the hardness. Jack claimed an earlobe with his teeth, rubbing the coarse hair of the wig across the hypersensitive skin of James's ass. The commodore hissed and pulled away. Jack scraped the wig against him again, just to be contrary. James danced sideways, looking reproachfully at his tormentor.

Jack moved to face James, twining arms around his neck. Stepping close, he aligned his hips with James's and pushed their cocks together, eliciting a shuddering gasp. He caught James's mouth with his own and felt a moan rumble in his throat. Releasing his lips, Jack trailed wet kisses down James's neck and sternum, hands preceding his advance toward his groin.

Jack sank to his knees, eyeing the straining erection in front of him. He blew lightly, sending a cool breath to caress the engorged length. He looked up and caught sea-dark eyes regarding him hungrily. Holding James's gaze, he extended his tongue and lapped the moisture beading at the slit. James's knees gave and he slumped against his bonds, watching as Jack's tongue sketched the head of his cock. With a final evil glance, Jack grasped the base, holding the thick flesh steady as he slipped his mouth around the hard head. James gave voice, closing his eyes lest he come at the sight, and felt the pirate's throat relax as he consumed the entire length. Jack pulled back, tensing his lips as he pushed on again, hand following his mouth to increase the friction.

James's sounds nearly undid him, and Jack wrapped his free hand around his own cock. Stroking his erection in rhythm to the movement of his mouth, Jack increased speed as he heard James's breath become irregular. James opened his eyes to look down. The sight of Jack's angular face, sheened in sweat and lips wrapped around his cock, wild locks swaying with his exertions, caused him to falter. His eyes noticed movement below and James realized that Jack was stroking himself. Jack sucked hard and James exploded into his mouth, crying out his release as he watched Jack's throat work and felt warm spatters on the skin of his legs.

Jack stood slowly, unbending his knees carefully as he regained his balance. James hung in his manacles, panting heavily. Jack released the cuffs and caught James under the arms as he fell to bear him gently to the floor where they curled around each other.

James looked accusingly at Jack as he recovered his breath and gingerly rubbed his backside. "Sparrow, I will never trust you again."

Jack smiled sweetly. "Jamie, if you want to be tied up and spanked again, all you have to do is ask."

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