
A Man with Eyes like the Sea

by Culumacilinte

Pairing: J/N
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Neither Jack nor James are mine... unfortunately
Originally Posted: 9/04/06
Summary: The only thing Jack's ever really loved is the sea, but when he meets a man with eyes like the sea, he can't help but fall in love with him too.

As he had told many a woman (and not a few men), Jack Sparrow's first and only love was the Sea. The Sea was everything no human lover could ever be; she was infinite and eternal, beautiful and terrible; the Sea gave life and it took it away, without mercy or thought; she was at once unspeakably powerful and yet tender as a mother, and as unpredictable as Jack himself.

He had fallen in love with the Sea before he even properly knew what love was; as a young lad, he learnt to swim before he could walk, and before the age of twelve, he had stowed away on a Naval barque to begin his life as a sailor. Sailing came more naturally to him than anything else he had ever done, and he had a passion for it, but he soon realised that the Navy had no real respect for the ocean; to them it was just a vehicle, a means of fighting and politicking, neither of which Jack had any particular interest in. Piracy was the natural next option.

Most people would say that Jack Sparrow's true love was his ship, the Black Pearl, but Jack would say otherwise. True enough, he loved his Pearl, but even she was just an extension of the Sea; Jack, after all, had no tail; no fins or gills, so he needed another way to travel the waters, and that was the Pearl.

So Jack lived his life of piracy with his mistress the Pearl and his lover the Sea, but when Jack Sparrow met a man with eyes as deep, and green, and beautiful, and tumultuous as the Sea... well, he couldn't help falling in love with him too.

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