

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters. No copyright infringement intended. No profit made from this work of fiction.
Originally Posted: 02/05/06
Summary: The unwritten rules of attraction.

That blasted pirate was actually fluttering his eyelashes. He had ridiculously long eyelashes, James noted. And that smile... If the man were a woman he couldn't be any more obvious in his intent. A head tilt, one hand on hip while the other made designs in the air with slender fingers. Leaning forward from the waist nearly close enough to kiss. Where did that thought come from? James recoiled inwardly, while outwardly he caught himself leaning towards the brigand. Slim body, intriguing bone structure, too many points of interest there; James reprimanded himself for even noticing, and then did it again for not walking away. He straightened his shoulders. It was the best he could do under the circumstances.

Really, this was becoming tedious—this game of cat and mouse. This was the third time in less than a month that Sparrow had let the Dauntless catch the Black Pearl. James was beginning to question who the cat was and who the mouse was, especially when Sparrow licked his lips that way...

Really, he needed to stop chasing... allowing himself to be... caught... whichever the bloody hell it was.

For now perhaps he could just enjoy these encounters. He could... perhaps... invite Sparrow to his cabin in the spirit of working together. Pirates were known to become privateers. It was not unheard of; it could happen that Sparrow would be interested in... working together.

He smiled back and acknowledged in a distant, tightly controlled sort of way how Sparrow's face lit up and how his own heart rate increased. A bottle of wine might even be useful in the way of easing... relations.

Sparrow preened a bit, hand caressing his chin braid. James lifted an eyebrow and smiled a bit wider. Sparrow grinned outright. James dipped his head forward, and then looked slowly to his left in invitation. Sparrow sketched a half-bow. They moved as one and walked shoulder to... elbow... mid-upper arm towards James's cabin.

It was, after all, in the best interest of keeping the peace in Jamaican waters, James told himself. A sideways glance was met with a knowing smile and James turned his gaze forward, his stride lengthening just a little. Sparrow matched him step for step.

# end

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