
Sneaky, Lying.

by The Dala

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 4/19/04
Note: Sparrington drabble for linaelyn ::glomps::
Summary: "Now what was that about kissing and making it all better?"


"Would you stop being such a ninny!" James snapped, reaching for Jack again. The pirate scuttled to the other end of the bed, favoring his left foot and pouting. James rolled his eyes heavenward. "For God's sake, you come back after three months at sea and now you won't let me touch you?"

"I've always been sympathetic to your pain," Jack whined, waving his hat around to fend James off. "Remember Christmas last year?"

"When I broke my arm?" James sat back on his heels and huffed. "You stubbed your toe on the windowsill, Jack. It's hardly the same thing."

Looking coquettish, Jack propped the offended foot on his other knee and bobbed it around in the air. "I'll give only if you kiss it and make it all better."

"Agreed." James took the offered foot gently, bent his lips to the big toe, and promptly flung his full weight down on Jack, who 'oofed' indignantly.

"Sneaky, lying pi—commodore!"

"Your feet are dirty," James replied calmly, wriggling to distract him. Jack's mouth twisted in appreciation and he went still as James leaned down to breathe hot against his ear. "Now what was that about kissing and making it all better?"

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