
The Nature Of Freedom

by Garnet

Pairing: None
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 7/03/05
Summary: Just a quick drabble... a word or two about the nature of Freedom from the pirate himself.

Author: Jack Sparrow :) (posted by Garnet aka CopperRose)

"...to be of the Brethren of the Coast is to be free, darling. To bow to no man, no king, no country, nor even to God's almighty throne. A pirate is not what a man does, but what he is. Same as a ship is not a keel and a hull and a mast and sails, but freedom. To taste freedom, even for but a moment, is worth all the gold and jewels in the world. It is the taste of true life, sweet and bitter and whole. One cannot be truly free, unless one's spirit is free. And for one's spirit to be free, one must but believe and trust that it is. To hold true to yourself, no matter time nor tide."

Jack Sparrow, Capt

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