
The Quality of Mercy, part 3

by Rach74

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The film 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' and the characters in this story (except Edward Keane) are owned by Disney. Although I think Johnny Depp owns Mr Caribbean Sex, Captain Jack Sparrow. I'm not making any money from this, and no copyright infringement is intended. The characters merely inspire me.
Originally Posted: 10/24/04
Summary: Captain Jack Sparrow saves James Norrington from an evil pirate, but that's only the beginning.

Continued from Part 2

The deck was a mass of noise and heat. Shapes made sinister in the artificial dusk loomed toward each other. The crew were faceless, clouded figures. The deck was shrouded in grey mist. James couldn't identify what were people and what was mast, as they all merged into one. The only noise he could hear was the crack and thud of cannons firing, but he yelled and shouted and the crew took his orders. It should have surprised him, but no one wanted to die, and they knew they had to fight this way.

He felt disconnected from everything, yet totally in tune with his surroundings. The acrid smoke made his eyes stream and burnt his throat. His heart thudded in his chest and his hands shook. He was high on the battle, this was why he had joined the Navy, and despite the fear, he was alive with energy.

In the short space between shots a scream pierced the air as one of the shadowy shapes fell with a sickening thud as the ship bucked again. James didn't know who it was and felt the same dull thud of guilt he always did when someone was lost. This may not be his ship, but they had listened to his orders. He wondered how Jack dealt with the loss of his men.

Jack must have given the order to board as the shout was carried up the line of shadows and James grabbed the pistols from the rack. He organised the distribution and prepared himself to board a ship he really had very little desire to return to. He tried to identify Jack in the melee of men but he couldn't.

He charged over the boarding planks and nearly stumbled at the unexpected assault of memory that assailed his senses. Dear God, this was his own personal hell. The smoke was clearing as the heavy pounding of cannon had halted to allow for boarding. Everything, he could remember everything: the mast where he'd been tied to, the stench of blood and death stung his nostrils, and he saw the faces of the dead. This was foolish he couldn't do this, but he was trapped and as much as he told his body to move, paralysis froze him in place. He was going to die here. A hard shove behind him and his body unfroze. The fog cleared from his brain almost as quickly as it had come and his felt the same battle heightened senses that he always had and fury at his weakness drove his movement. What was he doing, standing here like a fool as people died around him?

A man loomed toward him his blade high and James met the attack, forcing the man backwards. He cornered the man against the mast for a brief second, and met startled eyes. He realised with a jolt that this was Beevor and he knew the man recognised him in the same instant. Fear and anger crossed his face, quickly followed by a sneer. He opened his mouth to say something, and a tide of sheer blood lust almost drowned James as he fought the man who had brought him almost to breaking. The ferocity of his attack left Beevor helpless and he was disarmed and flat on the deck. James brought up his sword to finish it and then just stared at the terrified man who wet himself with a whimper. He was pathetic, and he would hang. James bound the man to the mast using the sail rigging. James shook a little with reaction, shocked at how easy it had been and swallowed the bile that threatened to swamp him suddenly.

Some of Keane's crew were reluctant to fight and surrendered with very little persuasion and that thought James was what commanding a ship by fear alone did, made cowards of many.

James turned, and saw Jack struggling with his opponent; the wound in his shoulder had obviously slowed him down. The man had pulled a dagger on Jack, and there was nowhere for him to go. James pulled his pistol, and shouted with his voice loud over the deck.

"Jack, duck."

The shout distracted both men, but Jack reacted quicker and ducked. James shot the man and he fell with grunt. Jack bowed swiftly to James, before his eyes widened and he yelled "James, behind you."

James swirled round to meet his attacker, and saw there were two of them. James met the thrust of one of them, but was convinced he'd feel the steel of the other, but faster than James thought possible Jack was there. He caught the man's blade, kneed him in the groin and stabbed him as he doubled over. James managed a breathless 'thank you', and concentrated on his remaining opponent. The deck was soon theirs. There was no sign of Keane, but James was not surprised, a captain such as him wouldn't care enough about his crew to fight alongside them.

The pirates corralled the surviving crew. James, with Jack at his back, kicked down the door of the Captain's cabin, his pistol drawn. Keane sat at his desk seemingly unconcerned. He recognised James and smiled at him, the same cold smile that was all too familiar, and James felt a kernel of fear creep through him. Nausea threatened, but Jack's well-armed presence behind and his own weapons reassured him. He was in charge here that he had to remember. Keane was finished, but it still took a few moments before the rolling in his stomach eased to manageable levels. He was sure the sudden panic had not gone unnoticed by Keane. He knew the man preyed on human weakness, but he would not give him the satisfaction of showing it again. He managed to keep his tone calm, and unwavering, which surprised him.

"Captain Keane. I formally arrest you on the charge of piracy."

"And may ye rot in hell."

"Well, the Commodore and the pirate. It appears I misjudged you Captain Sparrow, and you too, my dear Commodore. I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Keane eyed them, calm and totally unaffected, and James felt his certainty falter, and his control on his emotions slip. The horrible feeling that he was no longer in command of this situation crept over him, and then he knew exactly what was going to happen. He saw almost at half speed Keane raise his pistol to his head. James lunged for him, and Keane pulled the trigger. Nothing happened, and Keane's rigid control broke, and he struggled, and fought and bit as James and Jack subdued him.

James looked down at the unconscious man and felt his finger tighten on the pistol, as he held it to Keane's head. It would be so easy, just to pull it, so easy. His hand shook with tension as all the madness of the past few months crowded over him. Keane would hang anyway it was over. He should just shoot him, and claim Keane killed himself. He had intended to after all. But a warm hand on his own stopped him.

"This isn't you, love. Let's see the bastard hang, eh?"


Jack eased the pistol out of James's shaking hand and helped him to stand. James swayed alarmingly and leant heavily on Jack's arm. He was passive, pale and far too cold to the touch. Gibbs ran in, and stopped short at the scene. He helped Jack ease James into the day couch. Jack knew James was going into shock, and he had to admit he was shaky himself. The sheer hatred in James's eyes as he had held the gun on the unconscious man had almost scared Jack. He understood the murderous rage all too well, but it did not make it easy to watch on another's face.

"Gibbs, tie that rubbish up."

Gibbs hurried to obey, and Jack liberated some of Keane's brandy from his well-stocked drink cabinet. James had a bit more colour in his cheeks and the blank look in his eyes was receding.

"Drink this." At James's questioning glance, he added: "Brandy."

James took the drink and sipped it, his hands curling fiercely around the glass. A flush of colour suffused his face, and he stared at Jack. His voice was quiet with disbelief and a certain degree of wonder. "It's over. It's finally over."

Jack smiled, " Aye, it is. You are going home."

A tightness that had nothing to do with relief gripped Jack as he realised this meant he and James would go back to being on opposite sides. The glow of victory to faded into something far less satisfying, and he met James's eyes and saw the same feeling there.

James looked down and studied the glass in his hand. "Home?" There was no joy in his tone either.

"All secured, Cap'n. What shall I do wi' im?"

Gibbs's voice broke the heavy silence that had fallen over them. His face was suffused with excitement and the thrill of victory.

"Throw him in the hold."

James spoke first and Jack nodded. Gibbs hollered for some aid and he and Fred dragged Keane out of the cabin. Jack helped James off the couch and they headed back out onto the now quiet deck.

The rest of the Pearl's crew were high with victory and achievement. He saw with a sense of sadness that not everyone from his crew had survived the battle. He didn't like losing crew, especially as these men had been loyal. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder as James obviously realised what he was thinking.

The moment passed as Ana came up to them with her hands on her hips and glared at Jack. She eyed the Cadaver with a longing that Jack found hard to ignore. He knew however that it was not his decision. He did not want to fight her, and hoped she would realise that this wasn't her ship.

"You owe me a ship, Jack."

"He may owe you one, Miss Anamaria, but I do not."

The steel in James's tone did not surprise Jack; he simply wished James hadn't chosen this moment to stand firm. He might have persuaded Ana with more time, but it was out of his hands now. Ana was more than capable of attacking James, and Jack really didn't want to have to make a choice. James met his eyes firmly. Jack saw in that look the certainty James had that Jack's decision would not fall in his favour. Jack tried desperately to think of way out of this which would not involve bloodshed because he was damned if he was going to lose either of them. Stubborn pride always meant trouble.

"Your ship, Norrington?"

Ana's voice was icy but her eyes flashed with fire. Jack saw James's hand go instinctively for the sword at his belt before he controlled the impulse and let both arms to settle at his sides.Jack was impressed with his control, and he knew that Ana was too. The crew had stiffened in readiness for another battle, but they were also holding back. It was between James and Ana now. James's voice was calm and held no fear, merely a plea for understanding, as he met Ana's eyes.

"I believe my claim on this ship is greater than yours. My blood, and more, was lost here." James looked round the deck, and then met Ana's eyes again. Ana's face lost some of its anger, and a brief flash of something far softer crossed it. James's voice held a tiny quaver quickly subdued as he continued. "It would grieve me greatly to fight you, Ana, because I do not have any argument with you beyond this."

James's eyes swept the assembled crew, and then rested on Jack briefly. Jack swallowed against the sudden lump in his throat. He made a silent plea that this would end well.

James continued, now seemingly oblivious to all but Ana." I am also well aware my chances of success against you are minimal. I am not foolish enough to weigh Jack's older loyalty to you against whatever recent friendship he and I may have formed, but I will not give in easily. I ask that you cede to me in this, for all of us. There is enough gold, silver and gems here, to buy you a ship anyone would be proud of."

He held his hand out for Ana to take, and Jack felt the sudden lift of tension as Ana took it. She laughed, and slapped James hard on the back and said with a sharp-toothed grin. "Yer right, and besides if I leave, Jack wouldn't be able to find his arse anyway."

The crew laughed, and Jack breathed again. He was surprised that James was not insisting on all goods being returned to the crown, but he was not in the habit of looking a gift horse in the mouth. He raised his voice to reclaim the deck.

"Get back to yer work, you scurvy knaves. Remember who's Captain here."

The crew dispersed, including Ana but not without a brief nod of approval at both James and Jack. It was only Jack who witnessed James pale and shut his eyes as he leant heavily against the mast.

"Close shave, eh, James?"

"Not really. Ana is a good woman. I knew she would understand." He looked at Jack and gave a tiny smile. "Hoped, at least."

Jack grinned at him and then felt a familiar heat rush through him. He wanted James and wanted him badly. James caught the look and his breath quickened as he obviously felt answering warmth. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes darker than usual.


Jack smiled and continued his advance. He was almost on James, when Jase came up behind him. He heard James's muffled curse as he sloped away to examine the plunder.

It was too many hours later when he was finally ready to return to the Pearl. Ana had asked for the chance to sail the Cadaver back to Port Royal, and Jack had agreed. She had set those of Keane's crew not locked up in the hold to work. Everything was under control, and Jack knew Ana would keep her word.

James had gone back to the Pearl not wishing to see too much of the division of plunder. Jack was grateful for the wilful blindness, and felt a sense of something he couldn't quite identify as he thought of James. He was amazed at how much the idea of having to fight James hurt. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, and concentrated on how James felt, and what they would do when he got back to his cabin. Jack took a breath and hurried to re-board to Pearl.

Jack entered the cabin with the items he'd decided to keep from the Cadaver. With alcohol, gems and trinkets, it had been a good haul. He was wearing some of them, and James laughed as he saw him.

"You look... shiny."

James advanced on him slowly with a predatory air. The wait had obviously not been easy for him either. Jack felt his groin tighten at the look in his eyes. James took the alcohol out of Jack's hands placing the bottles on the table. He pulled Jack closer to the sleeping quarters as he did so. With each step, James removed another item from Jack, and by the time they got to the door Jack was only wearing his breeches.

"Unfair advantage, mate," Jack gasped as James tweaked his nipple softly.

"We can remedy that."

They were naked, as they fell heavily onto the bed, hands everywhere. Jack found himself straddled by James as both panted heavily. James claimed his mouth in a possessive kiss and Jack responded hungrily. He pushed up against James, wanting more, needing more. It had been too long since he had been taken, and he realised he needed this. James's eyes widened as Jack hissed. "Take me."

"I... I." James stuttered nervously, but his erection prodded hard against Jack, telling another story.

"Just. Do. It."

"Don't want to hurt you..."

"You won't."

James took Jack's cock in his hand, and Jack bucked up with a gasp. James brought him to the edge, and then moved away. Jack swore at him, and tried to stop him moving, but James rubbed his hands over his cock, coating it in Jack's essence to mingle in with his own. Jack groaned and rolled onto his knees.

He felt James position himself behind him. His hands grip his waist. " Ready?"

"Stupid fucking question, love."

Jack was painfully hard and really wished James would just get on with it, or it'd be too late. James laughed at his impatience, and pushed in slowly. Jack grunted at the sudden pain, and he felt James start to come out.


"Don't you dare, James, just been a while, mate."

"If you are sure."

"I have never been surer, mate," Jack gasped as his arousal peaked.

James shifted his grip, and eased all the way in. He then thrust, his hands tightening. The pain turned to a bolt of sheer pleasure, and Jack pushed back against him. Jack grasped his own cock and they found a punishing but satisfying rhythm.

James's thrusts became erratic, and his breath was heavy and warm as he gasped Jack's name. He came with a groan and Jack followed soon after. James's weight was heavy on his back. James eased out and lay next to him, panting.

"Dear, God, Jack... I. "

"Yeah, me too."

They needed to talk about things, but Jack felt sleep beckon and he tumbled happily towards it.


James woke slowly. He could feel Jack's warmth against his back and smiled as he remembered what they'd done. Jack's tight heat, his passion, had been all consuming.It had felt so totally right. The lack of morality even in the cold light of day didn't seem to matter at all. He was unhappy that he would have to leave all this behind and return to Port Royal. The urge to stay was strong, because this life, because Jack was intoxicating. The taking of the Cadaver, the sword fight, the sex, Jack, even the storm had made him feel more alive than he had in too many years. James knew however that while he could lie to Jack and even to himself for a while, he did not belong here. The navy was too much in his blood, just as piracy was in Jack's. He rose from the bed, and left Jack sleeping as he quietly dressed.

How was he going to cope back at Port Royal? It no longer felt like home. He would have to face Elizabeth, Turner, and Governor Swann. Answer questions he didn't want to answer in front of a board of inquiry, even a court martial. Relive something he was just beginning to place in the distant part of his mind. Remember the people who'd died. God, how would he do it? There were so many things to worry about, and he didn't feel ready. He wandered into the day cabin and picked up the strewn items and neatly piled them on the table.

He turned as Jack entered, still naked. He looked at James reproachfully. "You left!"

"I had some things to think about, and didn't want to disturb you."

"Ye know too much thinking is bad for you."

James sighed, and was both disappointed and relieved when Jack dressed. Jack caught the look and grinned. "Don't want to distract you from those things on your mind."

James returned the smile and shook his head. "Pirate."

"Always." Jack picked up the rum bottle and toasted the air. "To a successful endeavour."

James felt suddenly miserable and he sat heavily with a sigh. Jack came up behind him and James turned to meet his eyes. Jack offered the rum, but James shook his head. "Commodores don't drink till the sun's over the yardarm..."

"Yer not a Commodore again yet, love, so don't go all stiff on me now," he paused, and looked at James with such heat that he blushed. "Well, not in the wrong places anyway."

James took the offered drink and sipped at it before returning the bottle to Jack.

"Thought you didn't want to distract me..."

"Sorry, love, now what's on yer mind?"

"Port Royal."

Jack grimaced slightly and then said almost as if it didn't matter, but James could see it was a genuine enough offer, "Ye could always stay, mate. Me crew's got used to you. I think even Ana has warmed to ye."


That was unfair thought James, his own thoughts echoed back at him.

"I just tell them I couldn't find ye. We send Keane and his lot to Davy Jones's locker. Ana gets her ship, and we can work the rest out later. "

"Damn it, Jack. You said it yourself, navy and pirates, too complicated. It wouldn't work and we both know it."

Jack looked as unhappy as James felt. "Aye, I know, but ye have to admit it's a pretty dream." He took a long drink and looked at James intently.

"It's a pretty dream for sure, Jack."

There was a long pause and then Jack said: "Even when you're back being all commodorial, I still get to debauch ye on occasion, aye?"

The light-hearted question didn't quite cover the real insecurity in Jack's tone, and James smiled at him feeling strangely content that Jack was finding it difficult too.

"Debauching is requested and required," he paused as an unwelcome vision of one or the other of them hanged came to mind," as long as we're both careful."

Jack looked at him. " Speakin' of careful, mate. I was just thinking you look a bit too pirate like at the moment."

James looked down at himself and had to agree, but quite what James expected him to do about it he didn't know. Keane had taken everything, except the sword and he never intended to touch the thing again.

"What do you expect me to do about it, Jack? I have nothing except these... and they're not even mine!"

"Well, love. If you recall me list of crimes..."


James had no idea what he was talking about until Jack beckoned him with a grin to look in the chest. James dug in the chest. Intrigued and irritated. He felt his eyes widen at what he saw. A somewhat battered and stained but serviceable captain's uniform.

"Not got your finery, but I think you might have some use for it?"

James was speechless as he stared at the uniform. He really wasn't sure what he felt. He stroked the rough material of the jacket as he tried to force some noise out, but simply couldn't. He stared at Jack, who took the jacket out of his hands and handed him the shirt.

"Put it on, mate."

Almost mechanically James dressed in what had so much defined his adult years and felt strange. Jack helped him into his jacket, and his ringed hand lingered on James's shoulder before he stood back to admire him.

"Ye make a picture perfect captain too, mate. Sorry you're missing a wig, love."

James saw Jack's wistful grin as he remembered the circumstances of him obtaining the uniform. It was typical of Jack to impersonate a Captain.

"You will have to tell me the story behind this."

"I'd best not, James... yer eyes are green enough as it is..."

Jack's tone was mischievous and his eyes lit up for a second. James really wanted to know exactly what had happened. The sudden humour left him as the reality set in. They were almost out of time for now. He felt strangely restricted and constrained. Was this him anymore? He walked over to the mirror and looked at his reflection, not quite recognising himself. He smoothed the creases out as best he could and straightened his shoulders. He would do this.


James looked through the glass that Jack had given him as Port Royal came into view. He was on the Cadaver. Keane and his more loyal crew were locked in the hold. The other crewmembers had helped bring the Cadaver back to port. The Black Pearl was some distance away, but Jack, to James' unvoiced but grateful relief, had insisted on coming with him.Jack's only comment had been. "Be good to see the whelp and the lass again."


James stood in front of Governor Swann and wished he were anywhere but here. His restored uniform with all its inherent brocade still stifled him. He did not need the sympathy in Swann's eyes because it was too hard to bear.

"I have spoken with Admiral Stevens and he assures me the Court Martial is a mere formality. You have rid us of a most dangerous and evil pirate. The seas will be safer for your efforts.Keane and his crew will hang on the morrow. His ship will go for repairs and a repaint. We will remove the stain of her past and integrate her into our fleet. She will be a fine addition to our ships."

James knew that for him at least he would always see the stains on her, but he was glad that such a fine ship would end her days doing well.

"I am gratified to hear that, sir." His voice sounded stilted to his own ears and knew Swann had not been oblivious.

"James." Swann's voice was hesitant now, personal. He came round the desk and rested his hands lightly on James's shoulders. " I cannot begin to..."

James shook his head; he did not want to hear this.

"Please, Governor Swann. I hold no grudge against you, or Eliz—Mrs Turner. But I will need some time to adjust."

Swann smiled in relief and said quietly. " And you shall have all the time you need, Commodore."


Jack waited for James to return from his meeting with Swann in the smithery. Will was working and seemed content with the company.

"We're so grateful for everything, Jack. I know it cannot have been easy with the history between you and the Commodore, but he is a good man."

"He ain't bad when you get under the uniform I agree."

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow. I don't want to outstay my welcome with your Father-in-law, mate. Ye know with the hangings he might get ideas about stretching my neck."

Will laughed as he held the finished sword up to the light. "I doubt Elizabeth would let him near you, Jack. I know he'd have a fight on his hands from me. I think even Commodore Norrington might..."

He trailed off as he heard footsteps. Jack recognised the tread as James's and looked up a little anxiously. James however looked fine, if a little pale.

"Mr Turner, Captain Sparrow, I was sure I'd find you here. I'm advised that it might be safer for us all if Captain Sparrow comes back with me." Will opened his mouth to object, to offer his and Elizabeth's house. Jack gritted his teeth at the lad's kindness but didn't dare say anything. But James had it in hand. "Do not worry, Mr Turner, he will be perfectly comfortable with me. Come along, Captain."

James nodded at Will, and Jack followed after him, with a final wink at Will.

"Nicely done, James, nicely done."

James smiled down at him once they were out of Will's view and said softly, "I didn't want to waste the night."

"We'd make a pirate out of you, James, love."

"I know, and that's what worries me. I feel far more pirate than Commodore at the moment. I itch."

James's expression was suddenly serious despite the light tone. Jack knew it would only take time. James looked natural in his uniform despite his doubts, although Jack really wished he didn't have the wig.

"It's that wig, mate."

James laughed and led him through the streets to the house he kept, rather than his quarters at the fort. Jack knew James had given his servants the afternoon off, as a reward for their loyalty to him in his absence.

It was a fine house Jack had to agree, and his fingers itched a little in an urge to procure some of the pretty things.


"All right, all right." Jack frowned but soon lost interest in anything other than James.

They made love with leisurely intent, and afterwards lay together in a sweaty pile of limbs. The night wasn't easy, Jack stayed awake for a long time, not really thinking, just savouring the feel of James against him. The nightmares that had plagued James returned with a vengeance. He was restless, but Jack's touch soothed him, and he did not waken. Finally Jack slept himself curling close to James.

They woke late, and James looked pale, but with purpose in his eyes and stance. He looked every inch the Commodore as they went to attend the hanging. Jack was not a great supporter of hanging, having been to close for comfort on at least two occasions, but he felt no qualms over this one.


James watched as Keane and his men were led to the scaffold. He briefly scoured the crowd for Jack and found him. Jack saw him and raised his hand in salute. James smiled and returned the gesture. He then rested his eyes back on the man who had changed everything. He was pale and shuffled along. He was broken, and it gave James a vicious sense of pleasure. Keane did not plead or beg unlike the other men with him. James felt no pity for them. They deserved to die. These were the men who had gloried in Keane's cruelty and taken their own share with no thought as to those they had killed. The men forced into it were on the Pearl safe, and waiting for Jack. Keane's list of crimes was endless. They included, piracy, murder and kidnapping. It went on and on. Finally it was finished, and James watched as Keane died. Justice was served and the faces of the dead that lived in his mind, seemed to look at him with satisfaction. It was time to move on the best way he could. Embrace his life, the old and the new. He knew it would not be easy, but if he did not, Edward Keane would have won, and that he would not accept.


James was working through the sheaf of reports, which seemed to be growing every day. He was near the end of his first week back, and he hadn't run screaming, could now tolerate his uniform, and had even slept three nights out of five. The sympathetic looks were still obvious, but the whispering behind hands had faded to an almost bearable level. Everyone in Port Royal knew something of what had happened, and were quite happily embellishing it because he refused to enlighten any of them with the real story. There was a knock on his door, and he sighed. Not more reports surely?

"Come in."

He looked up and swallowed hard. Elizabeth Turner, nee Swann stood nervously at the door. She looked as beautiful as he remembered, but paler,and younger. He'd only seen her from a distance since he'd returned. He had been grateful for her discretion. But he knew they both had to face each other. She was as always braver than he. She was looking at him intently. Her eyes over bright, and he realised they were unshed tears; he forced himself to speak as the silence threatened to become awkward. "Elizabeth."

The uncertainty in his tone annoyed him, but she met his eyes with gratitude obvious in them. With a slightly faltering step, she came towards him. Without conscious thought, before he even realised what he was doing,he was round the desk and had taken her hands in his.He was shocked to feel how cold they were. Her voice was as unsteady as his had been.

"I just needed to see you, J—james. Will said I should give you more time, but I need you to know how sorry I am. I never meant... I understand if you cannot forgive me, hate me even.I. But don't be too hard on my father..."

James managed a small smile at that. Governor Swann was always helpless in the face of his daughter's determination.

Elizabeth wasn't looking at him anymore, and he felt her shaking. Fine tremors ran throughout her body. It concerned him. Finally she looked up, and tears streamed down her face. He hadn't seen Elizabeth cry since she was twelve years old. It would be so easy to forgive her, and to his annoyance he could hear Jack's voice in his head,telling him to let it go. Shut up, pirate, he thought in fond exasperation. He led her to the chair at his desk, and handed her a handkerchief. He crouched down in front of the chair, wincing at the discomfort as his uniform tightened. Damn thing. He gave Elizabeth time and waited till she met his eyes.

"What you did was very foolish, but I know it wasn't done with ill intent. You have a good heart. Yes, I am angry with you, but I could never hate you. I'm not even sure I haven't forgiven you already,but it is difficult at present."

She sniffed and managed the slightest of smiles. "Thank you, James."

She stood, and hesitated, James wondered what to do. In an impulsive movement as she stepped towards him, he pulled her close, and kissed her head.A sigh of relief escaped her as she hugged him fiercely. They drew apart,and looked at each other a little awkwardly. James wondered for a brief moment,just how things might have gone differently had he been less concerned with appearances when he was courting her.But he had no regrets. He knew where both their hearts lay now.

A knock on the door sounded unnaturally loud, but James was relieved at the distraction. He felt a little raw. At James's command, Will Turner entered, tense and watchful, but as he took in the scene between them he relaxed. Elizabeth ran to him, and Will slipped his arm around her. James watched their silent communication, the way they merged together seamlessly, and thought again of Jack. James felt suddenly uncomfortable. Will's steady gaze seemed to turn him inside out.

Elizabeth seemed to sense his discomfort, and said."We should let you..."

She was interrupted by another knock, and James muttered under his breath. The Turners looked at him a little shocked at the turn of phrase. James was amused at their almost matched expressions. He didn't answer the knock immediately, and said, "Mr Turner. I will want to engage your services in a commission. I'll come to the smithy sometime today."

Will's eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded before exiting, his arm still tight round Elizabeth. James watched them go and realised that a hard knot of tension that he hadn't even been aware of had eased. He turned his attention to the clerk who had entered, and forced his mind back on business.


18 Months later

James was fast asleep when Jack climbed in the window. He was laid on his side facing the window, his arm stretched out as if searching for something. Shafts of moonlight lit the room and gave it a silver glow. James wore a nightshirt, which covered him far too much for Jack's liking. He looked peaceful and Jack considered not waking him. From all that he'd heard, he knew that the good Commodore had been busy. He certainly needed his sleep. But it had been two months since he'd seen James.

It was the longest time between visits they'd had. Jack had been to Port Royal in between, for business, and once to see the new addition to the Turner family, but he hadn't been able to catch James. He'd left a couple of gifts, information, and promises, but he hadn't managed to see him in the flesh as it were. Jack took a moment to admire what lovely flesh it was.

The quiet of the scene before him was broken as James shifted his position onto his back. He mumbled to himself and began to move restlessly around the bed. The dream was obviously not a pleasant one, and James looked as if he was in pain. Decision made, thought Jack.

He closed the drapes; re secured the window and ensured that the door was locked. He laid his weapons lightly on the floor and walked toward the bed. James had settled a little but was still tense. Jack knelt on the bed and eased the sheet from around James's waist. The nightshirt had bunched up as James had shifted and it was an easy task for Jack to expose what he wanted.

He bent his mouth to the task and appreciated James's low moan of pleasure. James didn't waken and Jack realised he probably thought he was having a spectacularly good dream. Completion did not take long and as he came, James murmured, "Jack", which sent a jolt of affection through the pirate. "Still on your mind, eh love?" He said softly. He was uncomfortably hard and wished James would wake up. He'd had enough of his own hand. There had of course been opportunities with willing mates, but Jack had told himself the waiting made the debauching far more pleasurable. He almost regretted it now. He cursed softly to himself and considered biting, but he knew that would merely get his head blown off by the pistol he knew was under James's pillow.

He sat undecided until a quiet murmur broke into his thoughts, "You sound like a herd of elephants even when you are trying to be quiet."

"I do not... I am Captain Jack Sparrow..."

"...the worst pirate the Caribbean has ever seen."

"You're awake!"

"Do you truly believe I could sleep through that?"

Jack grinned at the compliment to his skills. "When did you wake up?"

"When you stumbled over the sill."

"I did not..." James smirked and held his hand up to stop Jack's torrent of complaints, and Jack obeyed, as he liked the expression on his Commodore's face.

"Jack, we have, as I see it, two choices here. One, attend to that problem of yours and then work out exactly what we're going to do about getting you away from here, or two, argue until dawn breaks and then think of a way to get you away from here. I know which one I would prefer. Opportunities are not as plentiful for me as they are for you. Two months Jack!"

The frustration in James's tone amused Jack and he didn't disabuse James of the notion he was alone in refraining, but it pleased him nonetheless.

"Your logic is impeccable as ever, love."

In very little time both were naked and James eyed Jack's body hungrily, Jack grinned and pounced. A friendly tussle started, but Jack knew whatever happened neither of them would lose. This time Jack won, as he found exactly where to lick, to melt his commodore.


"Pirate, love."


Jack placed his hands on James's hips, pinning him in place as he took his cock in his mouth. James tried to thrust but Jack wouldn't allow him to move. He swore softly at Jack who replied by nipping his inner thigh, and James groaned louder at the loss of contact on his cock, which was painfully hard. Jack moved away briefly and brought out a small phial of something from his hair and James was startled into rather strangled laughter.

"You never cease to amaze me, Captain Jack Sparrow."

Jack grinned at him and poured some oil onto his hands before preparing his cock. James obligingly lifted up his arse and Jack eased a now slick finger into James. He groaned and thrust back onto the finger. Jack was pleased to see how relaxed James was and knew he would need little preparation. He moved his finger round and James moaned especially when he removed it.


They shifted into position and Jack braced his arms allowing James to ease the strain to his legs. Jack slipped inside James easily and thrust. James moaned in pleasure and grasped himself. They set a hard and fast rhythm. Jack loved the hot warmth of James and how he moaned his name on nearly every breath, demanding it harder and faster as he pumped his cock in time with Jack's thrusts. It wasn't long before they both came. Jack fell on James with a groan and kissed his sweaty forehead. James sighed as Jack rolled off him.

"Dear God, I won't be able to walk tomorrow."

Later, much later James's hands went to a tender spot on Jack's shoulder and caressed it. "New scar," he said softly. Jack didn't want to talk about it because this was their time. He brushed James's hair from his eyes.

"Keeping it long, eh?"

James sighed and Jack knew he was irritated at the evasion but was still surprised when he found himself flipped onto his back and pinned down. James eyed him fiercely, his voice heavy with heat and intensity. All pretence was gone now as James's stare burned into him and seemed to turn him inside out.

"You know what scares me the most, Jack? That I'll read of your death in a report that crosses my desk, months after you died. Hear someone tell me you are dead and have to pretend I don't care," he paused as his voice cracked and he shut his eyes briefly. His long lashes drew Jack's gaze just as they always did. Then he looked Jack firmly in the eyes, "And my greatest fear? The horrible god forsaken certainty that one day I will have endure your hanging by my own men, and pretend that my heart hasn't just shattered."

Jack was caught by the love warring with anger in James's face and with all laughter gone from his voice replied. "I can't promise ye the first or the second love, but ye have no need to worry on account of the last."

"What?" James looked puzzled but did not loosen his grip on Jack, merely stared at him, his eyes hooded, but there was a hint of hope in them.

"You are looking at a privateer."

James sighed and shook his head, disbelief clear in his eyes. His voice held a hint of weariness that Jack did not like.

"Jack that has never been successful before. Your spelling is terrible. And your writing looks like a drunken spider walked over the page."

"Now, Jamie-lad have some faith in ole Captain Sparrow. I wouldn't lie to you," at James's disbelieving gaze, he amended that to, " I wouldn't lie to you, often," before he continued his train of thought, "the French."

"What about them?"

"I don't like them... Eunuchs, obsessed with raisins."

The logic of this defeated James, and his grip loosened on Jack's arms. "What are you talking about, Sparrow?"

"I hold an official and totally legal Letter of Marque against the French. Pirates days are numbered, love,and this seemed to have profit in it..."


James's voice was faint, and the newborn hope, relief and happiness that flared in his face made Jack smile. The work he'd had to do to gain the letter was suddenly worth it. James was speechless for a moment, opened his mouth to say something, and then changed his mind. With something approaching pirate logic he simply kissed Jack into submission.

A long time later as they lay next to each other, sated and exhausted, Jack said: "So yer pleased, then?"

James simply groaned and pulled Jack close to him, "Just don't lose it, please?"

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