
A Twisted Valentine

by Lilfluffykitten

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Disney owns all these characters, I own nothing of any worth... I'm just doing it for fun not profit!
Originally Posted: 2/15/07, 2/23/07
Note: Happy belated Valentine's Day!
Summary: James has to learn to trust in the dark. Sparrow has to learn that all actions have consequences.


James Norrington waited patiently in the darkness.

A velvet darkness that felt familiar and safe.

Despite hearing the other man shift beside him, the gentle touch on his jaw still made him start. Although he couldn't help arching up, just a little, he resisted the urge to pull Jack closer.

Suddenly he was dizzied by the pounding of his heart, the heat of the touch and the smell of salt and sweat. The blindfold, fine silk that it was, now felt unbearable and he struggled to stay calm.

"Hush," Jack murmured in his ear even as his fingers traced lower across his throat.

"Take it off." He knew from past experience to keep his voice steady, but he could still almost feel the careful scrutiny.

"Ask me nicely."

Norrington smiled faintly, settling once he recognised this familiar stage of the game, "Take it off. Please." Another long moment passed.


James Norrington waited patiently in the darkness.


By his own calculations it had been roughly two hours since he'd awoke and discovered he couldn't move his arms.

It had taken approximately five minutes to determine that he'd been bound to his own bed by, yes, that damnable length of silk. Mystery solved Jack gave one last obligatory struggle, before smiling to himself and settling down to wait.

It was a little over twenty minutes before James padded back into the cabin and crawled onto the bed beside him.

Jack grinned cheerfully, "Tables are turned, eh Jamie?"

"So it would seem," James murmured, busying himself with properly unwrapping his prize.

For the remaining time the former commodore had been doing various interesting things, the majority of which Jack decided he had most definitely not learnt during his time courting the governor's daughter.

Not that he was complaining, not really, but Jack was now aching to be able to touch him in return. Biting his lip, he tried his best not to move but he couldn't help fidgeting under James's weight, "Who'd have thought you'd take to piracy so well?"

James didn't look up but mumbled something Jack couldn't quite make out against his flank—after a moment's thought he concluded it was probably for the best. He sighed and tried again, "As lovely as this is, could you..." he fluttered his hands as much as he could.

That, at last, got James's full attention. He pulled himself up and smirked down at Jack, "Ask me nicely..."

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