Comments on Caribbean Cartography

Number of comments: 4

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From: xpityx
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Date: 09/04/2017
I've been in fandom for 19 years and I'd never come across Squidge until I fell into the Sparrington fandom. Now I'm worried that I've been missing out on other fanfic as beautifully written as yours. Honestly, I had to pause every so often just to admire a turn of phrase or the way your wrote your characters - the whole thing was phenomenal, thank you so much for sharing it (...I promise to write something a bit more coherent when I read this again)
From: Sly Hostetter
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Date: 10/24/2009
OK, that was painfully beautiful! Wonderfully done, though.
From: jewel
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Date: 09/22/2008
your story was THE BEST EVER!!!! I love it

The ending was so friking heartbreaking!!

If I coud ask you something...did the love each other??

That's for the wonderful story hun
From: virginie
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Date: 09/03/2008
What a gorgeous story. Your prose style is so elegant and visceral, so understated and rich, all at once.

And the ending is utterly perfect and heartbreaking.

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