
Honesty From A Dishonest Man

by Pesha

Pairing: J/W
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 7/16/07
Summary: It was an abomination. A vile abomination that Will had only heard whispers of and he could think of nothing but over the rest of their voyage together.

"I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father."

Will followed Jack's progress as the pirate moved steadily away from him on the rocking deck. Will wondered how anyone could become accustomed to walking on a surface that seemed to thwart every effort a man made to move upon it.

"Aye," Jack admitted finally, "I knew 'im."

There was an implication lurking in that simple statement that had Will's cheeks flushing and his eyes hitting the deck to steady himself. He was not a simpleton. He'd heard stories, listened to the course talk that came with some of the smithy's rougher patrons. He was saved from a reply as Jack continued strongly.

"Probably one the few who knew him as William Turner, everyone else just called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill."

Will looked up, puzzled anew, "Bootstrap?"

"Good man," Jack affirmed, nodding sagely, "Good pirate."

Will was not a worldly man, nor did he claim to be, but he knew who he was and where he came from. His father was not a pirate. He'd endured years of wild theories about his orphaned state and it had taken him many hours of solitary sword practice to beat out the temerity of anyone who dared sully the memory of his parents. His father was not a pirate as much as his mother had not been—

"It's not true! He was a merchant sailor; a good, respectable man who obeyed the law!"

Jack jeered at him, "He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag!"

There was such knowledge in his insistence; Will drew his sword from force of habit but knew that there would be no escaping the truth at sword point. Jack defeated Will with truth rather than skill during that volley. As Will lay on the deck at his feet, he couldn't help but wonder what that really meant: he knew Will's father. He knew him? Men could not know one another. It was an abomination. A vile abomination that Will had only heard whispers of and he could think of nothing but over the rest of their voyage together.


In Tortuga, Jack was as good as his word. He found them a crew who were, quite obviously, mad, but were also, unarguably, quite capable. He re-outfitted their boat—ship Will corrected himself, and he managed to keep Will as far from harm's way as any young man could ever come in a pirate town.

Rum turned out to make Will feel very... dizzy. He reeled a bit from the effects of the—

"Vile drink! Vile! 'lizabeth wouldn't like that you had taken me. Allowed me to be taken to. Let me take to drinking vile drinks! That's right! She would not like that," Will declared to Jack's shoulder as Jack staggered them both back to The Interceptor.

"I've not taken you at all," Jack muttered moodily at him.

Will had no time to dwell on that argument before a trio of the worst kind of pirates rounded in front of them. Jack stopped and Will's precarious balance was lost, forcing him to grasp and cling to Jack in a most unseemly manner to keep from falling in the muck.

"Why Jack Sparrow! What have you got there?" the leader of the group exclaimed.

Jack had no chance to respond as the one on the left threw in his opinion, "He's a bit old to be a cabin boy, Jackie."

The one on the right smirked, "Aye, and 'e's a bit young for your tastes as I recall."

"You win 'im in a bet, Sparrow? I'm sure we could offer to compensate for your losses if you wanted to share," the leader said, making the rest of them laugh.

Will had the urge to protest but he wasn't sure whether or not his sword still hung at his side let alone whether he'd be able to handle it with any intent. His grip slipped on Jack's sash and Will found himself gripping Jack's trousers instead. Jack caught his hand to help steady him and Will's face heated horribly at the intimacy.

"Come now, gentlemen. Can't you recognize an old friend when you see one? I'm lookin' after the lad is all. A favor. To 'is mum," Jack leaned right into the leader's face with Will clinging to him even more fiercely.

They got one good look at Will and reeled back as though struck. He stared at them perplexed as they backed off to allow Jack and Will to stagger on to the docks.

"Our mistake, Jack. Thought you were havin' a bit of sport."

"Didn't know it was a favor for a—for a friend."

"Right then. Next time you're in Tortuga, we'll find some fun, yeah? 'Til then!"

They were off like a triple shot from a long nine. Will felt Jack laugh a bit to himself and they were both laughing like buffoons all the way down to the shipyard.

As his feet met the planking of the docks, Will felt the world spin wildly. He forced down the rum-laced bile in his throat and lost the thread of Jack's running commentary in the effort to not disgrace himself. Jack dropped Will's arm from his shoulders and they both fell to the deck together. Jack leaned back against the railing and Will copied him gratefully.

Jack was humming a meaningless tune. The brine in the air was making Will nauseous as well as dizzy. He was still unused to the feeling of movement that existed shipboard. His head was clearing at a rate as steady as Jack's tune.

"Did those men know my father as well?"

"What's that you say?" Jack asked, feigning a bemusement Will knew he did not have.


Jack sighed, rubbed at his eyes with a finely-boned hand that Will could still feel gripping his own so strongly.

"Tell me, boy. What is it that you want to know? I'm too drunk to dally at guessing games."

"I don't believe that at all," Will replied, "I don't think you're even drunk."

"But you are," Jack answered, always so clever.

"Tell me. Don't treat me like a child. I'm not your boy."

"No, but those men certainly thought you were. How does that make you feel, young Will Turner? Knowing that those pirates are walking away thinking you're the property of a pirate captain?"

Will refused to rise to Jack's taunts. He spoke through his embarrassment.

"I don't know what you mean exactly, only that those men didn't leave because they thought I was with you but because they recognized my face. You said I take after my father and then those men see me only to run off. Why? What aren't you telling me?"

Jack slumped farther down against the railing. He banged his head sharply and Will leaned forward without thinking.


"Oh gerroff! I'm tryin' to clear my head. I need to be more miserable for all this," Jack snapped sullenly.

"I deserve to know, Jack."

"You ought to keep to yourself. Fine. Your father," Jack pinned Will beneath his gaze. It was remarkably disconcerting. Will wondered if he'd ever been looked at by the pirate before.

"Your father was a faithful man. Devoted. He was a good man for all that he was a pirate. Folk have not forgotten him, as you've seen."

"That's not an answer! I don't understand!"

"I don't know as how I want you to understand!" Jack exploded, hands moving wildly to fend off advances Will was not making.

"You're not making sense, Jack. Devoted? A good man? The way they practically ran away hardly implied that they feared a good man."

Jack stopped Will's scoffing with a severe look most unsuited to his usual act.

"Don't you dare speak ill of that man. He was a good man, your father. He chose is own time and manner of devotion. He loved your mum and dallied not a once with whores. He sent his share of any take home to see to your care and never killed for sport. Bootstrap was loyal. That's what I meant when I said he was devoted. He would not have taken kindly to their taunts about his good looks, tha's all."

Will's mind felt numb and slow. His lips tingled strangely as he could not stop himself from speaking, "But you said that you knew him. You... said you knew him, Jack. I know what that means even if I don't know what it means. I believed you. You're not a braggart."

"I'm not?" Jack looked surprised at that. Will wondered again how much of Jack's madness was pretense.

"How could he be devoted if he was. If he. Jack," Will pled, his whole body feeling boiled with humiliation, "If he performed acts of abomination with you, how could you claim him a good man?"

Jack's kohl-rimmed eyes widened and he mouthed "acts of abomination" without making any sound. His laughter was so loud it roused grumblings from even the most drunken on the dock.

"Been a while since I've made with polite society," Jack's fingers were long and stained as they rubbed away the tears of mirth from his face. Will couldn't stop staring at them.

"Have I got it wrong then? All of it? The way you say you knew him, the way those men spoke of me, the way you—" Will forced it out, "The way you look at me. I've got it all wrong?"

"What way do I look at you then?" Jack asked shrewdly.

Will studied The Interceptor's deck while he answered, "The way I look at Elizabeth. That is the way you look at me."

"Is it?" Jack sounded curious. "You must not care so very much for her then if you're mistaking lust for love."

"I most certainly do not lust for her! My intentions towards Miss Swann are pure!"

It was an asinine protest that Will regretted immediately. At least Jack didn't laugh at him for it.

"If you don't lust for her, do you really think that you love her? What sort of love exists without a good bit of lust?"

"This isn't about her! This is about you. And my father. I want to know. I deserve to know since everyone seems to see me and associate me with what they know of the two of you," Will insisted, refusing to be deterred.

"But you already know or at least you think you do. Tell me then. What do you think you know of it? I'll tell you if you're right or wrong and that's me word on it."

Jack was so very sly. He gave nothing for free, Will thought. His head ached too much for this but he might never get another chance and he might never again have the nerve. Fake though it was.

"You lay with him. As lovers. That's what I think I know. That's what you seem to imply."

"I did," Jack nodded sagely, he pursed his lips as he petted the tails of his beard.

"You admit it then?"

"Never denied it that I've known," Jack said easily.

"It's an abomination! You said he was a good man! You lied to me!"

Will's voice was rising without his control and the murmurs of discontent rose with it. Jack shushed him with his hands, patting at Will in what he was sure Jack thought a soothing manner.

"I didn't lie. I don't make a habit of lying so much as omitting. I'm a dishonest man, not a liar. There's a difference," Jack explained with a fair mockery of wounded dignity.

"Jack. I can't understand. Explain. Please."

The pirate rose to his feet in a single fluid movement. He offered one striking hand to Will to help him up as well. Standing, Will found, was difficult when still mostly intoxicated and aboard a ship. He let Jack take him where he would.

"Captain's quarters then. I'm havin' a drink if you're to be wastin' my rum on all this."


Will took a seat opposite Jack in what must be the captain's office. The desk was massive and Will couldn't help but think of Norrington sitting smugly behind it. He scowled at the furniture fiercely.

Jack waved a hand before his face and offered him a glass of whatever spirit he'd found in the cabinets. Will took the glass but sat it down without drinking from it. He was inebriated enough for three lifetimes already. Jack shrugged and drank directly from the decanter itself.

"What would you be wantin' explained? Exactly if you please, young Will."

"Everything," answered Will. It seemed simple enough to him.

"Everything," Jack rolled his eyes and paced the boards in front of Will.

"So you'd know how he touched me? How I touched 'im? How we touched each other? Or you'd know how he went home to shore and your mum but once in every two years to touch her instead? You'd have knowledge of the letters he wrote her full of his heart and the words he spoke to me full of his devotion? What exactly would you have me tell to you, Will?"

Will's eyes felt too big in his face, his vision too sharp and his mind too slow.

"All of that. I would know all of that."

Jack settled the bottle on the desk and dropped to his knees. He shuffled forward with a great jangling of hair baubles and his worn clothing. Will still thought he looked graceful.

Will watched uncomprehendingly as Jack's fascinating hands rested on his knees and pressed so gently. Will's legs yielded without his express consent and he started as Jack crept between them. His own hand fell to rest atop Jack's bandanna when Jack dropped his face against Will's thigh. Will felt his member stir and harden from the heat of Jack's rum-laced breath; feeling his breeches stretch to accommodate, Will began to push at Jack in a panic.

"Easy there, easy," Jack shushed him, catching his wrists in a shockingly sure grip. Will wanted to think of Jack's fingers on his skin, but couldn't think of anything except how Jack was so close and he would see.

"Please. Oh please," Will squirmed back from Jack on the seat. He'd never been so humiliated.

Jack pressed his whiskered cheek against the firm length of Will's flesh and—and nuzzled. Will felt a splash of wetness seep out and choked on a sob. A single tear scalded a line down his cheek.

"Isn't this what you wanted to know?" Jack whispered, looking up from Will's lap with Will's hands limp now in his tight grip.

For certain, Will couldn't take his eyes off the pirate now. He wasn't sure he had ever been able to afore now either. Jack's mouth opened with a flash of gold; Will stared as Jack's lips closed around the wet patch in his trousers, nigh on screamed when Jack sucked at it.

Jack pulled back to give the circle a rough lick of his tongue that dragged the fabric across Will's hard flesh.

"A taste only," he nodded.

"I'm not—" Will didn't know the words. He only knew that he wasn't. He loved Elizabeth. He was a good man. He'd tried so hard.

"I'm sure you have and you are," Jack assured him between careful presses of lips and mouth and suction to the fabric surrounded Will's swollen member.

"Your father? He loved your mum like no man has ever loved a woman afore. He gave her his heart but his loyalty? His devotion? That lay on the sea. I was his captain. He gave that loyalty," Jack's mouth closed directly over the rubbed raw head of Will's shaft and sucked fiercely.

Will bucked up, his hips snapping in Jack's face, his whole body curling up and in and tight as he released bitterly. Jack sucked and sucked and Will was yelling so hard his throat felt sore. Jack's hand came up to shush him and Will went to shove him away with the arm Jack had released. He found himself touching Jack's cheek instead. Feeling the rough hair on Jack's face and the stark contrast of his smooth cheek so close by, Will let his fingers touch Jack as he'd never touched anyone before. Jack's mouth was swollen.

Will touched Jack's lips as he whispered, "Bill gave that loyalty, that devotion of his, to me. He killed any what said he were sport for any but me. I'm told he went to Jones's locker for loyalty to me. Have I satisfied your curiosity, young Will?"

"I love Elizabeth," Will insisted.

"Bill loved your mum," Jack agreed, sucking against Will's fingers where they pressed into his lips.

Will's flesh felt sensitive everywhere. His greedy prick started to fill again even through the disgusting mess in his ruined breeches. He could feel Jack's sucking at every pulse point in his body.

"If I told you she had my heart," Will thought out loud, his mind moving more sharply through the fog of drink.

Will pulled his fingers free of Jack's mouth with a wet sound that had him gasping out loud. He leaned down to press his face to Jack's and overbalanced, tipped out of the chair to kneel too close to the front of Jack.

Jack groaned when Will's knees scraped past his own; Will felt the hard jut of the pirate's intentions against his belly. He was aflame with confusion, need, and his own shame. Will pressed his body against Jack's, curious to feel something honest from this dishonest pirate of a man.

"If I told you Miss Swann had my heart—would always have my heart—but you could have my loyalty, what would you say, Captain Sparrow?" Will finished. His voice trembled at his own temerity.

Jack's member jerked against him as Will said his name.

"I'd say you could call me Jack, Mister Turner."

"Jack then."

Will rubbed the wide palm of his hand down Jack's shirt, past his sash, on down to flatten over the thrust of his member. He did not know how to please him, what to do. He let his hand rest there though it burned him viciously to do so.

"If I do this. If we do this," Will corrected, "Will I still be a good man?"

Jack's hips rocked against his grip, rolled like the ship beneath them.

"You'll always be a good man, Will."

Honest words from a dishonest man? Wondering how much pirate was in his blood, Will realized he could live with that.

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