

by Elessil

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pilfered from the mouse. I don't own. And I entirely blame meletor_et_al for the concept of cravat abuse.
Originally Posted: 12/26/04
Beta: Thanks to drbillbongo for proofreading
Dedication: A little fluff ficlet for meletor_et_al.
Warning: Flagitious wig and cravat abuse.
Summary: ...holding the Commodore's wig and cravat out over the water had not been part of the agreement.

It had seemed an easy enough agreement at first: Sparrow and his crew would receive a Letter of Marque for this mission in Barbados, Norrington himself staying aboard the Black Pearl to ensure her safety.

Said pirate standing at the ship's bow, holding the Commodore's wig and cravat out over the water had not been part of the agreement. Not that Sparrow seemed to care in the slightest, as he cheerfully tossed the white curls into the air and caught them again as Norrington was about to lunge forward.

"What do you want now, Sparrow?" he hissed out through clenched teeth even as the pirate flashed a bright smile at him and said something.


"I want a kiss. Easy enough. Just a kiss, and ye'll get yer wig back, whole and hale." Sparrow did not even flinch while making this outrageous demand.

At first, Norrington simply stared. Silently counted to ten. The image before him did not change in the slightest, except for Sparrow's grin becoming even wider and perhaps... hopeful? Without averting his eyes, he took a few steps towards the pirate until their faces were only inches apart, the other man's hot breath brushing over his face. Jack's eyelids fluttered closed as James's lips closed on his, a wordless answer to his challenge, rendering the pirate silent for the first time since Norrington had set foot aboard the Pearl. James's left arm snuck around Jack's waist, pulling him in more closely even as his right hand plucked wig and cravat from the pirate's grasp.

With a harsh indraw of breath they parted, standing wordlessly opposite each other. Then James threw the wig overboard, Jack's eyes growing wide as he heard the splash of water. "If your seducing skills rely on taking wigs or other articles of clothing hostage, I must say I find them seriously lacking." he said with a wide smile, about to throw the cravat into the waves as well.

Jack grabbed his arm, arresting the motion. Off a questioning look, he said with a leer and a pointed look at James's wrists: "Might still have use for the thing."

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