Comments on One Silly, Bloody Wish Later

Number of comments: 3

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From: notepadperfect
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Date: 07/04/2011
This story was brilliant - the first I've read on horizon that's actually made me cry. I can't wait to read the sequel, the way you write is so poignant, it's amazing!
From: localfreak
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Date: 05/24/2011
I really enjoyed reading this story and I especially like the way you managed to make all the points from the films tie-in together and Jack's asides enhanced but did not distract from the story.
From: Kiki
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Date: 09/23/2010
oh dear. I've read "one silly, bloody wish latter" and its follow up, "dead man tell no tales" more than 3 times and my love for them grows every time. You've done an awesome work, and I must say that I'm pretty sure this story is going to stay in my mind, as I've grown so fond of it, for quite a long time. I must thank you for writing it and shearing it.

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