
Rien Ne Va Plus

by Elessil

Pairing: J/N, James/Gillette/Groves
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 4/27/05
Note: I cheated and answered two challenges with one ('The Naval Threesome', for drbillbongo, and 'Sparrow/Norrington, and a bet!' for andrealyn.) But it's a triple drabble, 300 words, so more than a drabble for each request.
Summary: Sparrington, the Naval Threesome, and a bet!

"Bet I could seduce your pretty Lieutenants into bed, love." As usual, when sleepy and sated, Jack was talking nonsense.

"I thought Captain Jack Sparrow could seduce everyone he sets his mind to? Where is the challenge?"

"Both of them. At once."

"I still fail to see the difficulty."

"If it's that easy, let's see you doing it."

"Was that a challenge?"

"No, just made it sound like one. I know that Gillette fellow fancies you rotten, but both at once? Don't think you could do it."

Sighing, James rolled over. "Very well then. I accept your challenge. But," his finger was drawing lazy circles on Jack's chest, "if I win, you'll have to watch."

"That supposed to deter me?" Jack's smug grin was as infuriating as usual and James decided to wipe it away, at the cost of yet more of his sleep.


With Theodore's lips pressed firmly to his and Andrew's hands stroking over his sweaty chest, the snarl from behind was an interruption James gladly ignored, until it grew too loud to do so.

James thought that perhaps, it had been a little unfair not to tell Jack that Theodore Groves and Andrew Gillette were effectually sharing quarters while being shipboard; but then, it was a secret they had to guard carefully, and James had promised not to tell anyone. Therefore he had not told Jack that if he could have one of his lieutenants, the second would not prove to be a difficulty.

"What is wrong, Jack? I put the condition that you would have to watch."

The pout on Jack's face, the high colour to his cheeks and the way he struggled were delightful to behold. "That you did, but not that I'd be fully dressed and tied to a chair!"


Note: As I've been asked twice already, "rien ne va plus" is French and means "Nothing goes anymore"—it's what they say in casinos after the bets are placed and the players are no longer allowed to change anything.

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