Comments on Watching the Watcher

Number of comments: 3

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From: Lee
(IP Logged)
Date: 12/03/2008
OMG! This fic is awesome! I love the AU and you really got James and Jack down, it's so interesting reading about Jack in a modern setting but also really cool. I love how he totally played James, and hehehe, he's right, James and his uptightness is SO cute!! And the twist at the end was great, I love eccentric billionaire!Jack owning the Black Pearl Casino... I wonder what Elizabeth would be in this verse... too bad there isn't more. I would love to see Jack driving James up the wall AND be his boss (in a non piratey way), it's would be an interesting dynamic to explore for this pairing.
From: siriuss3
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Date: 08/28/2008
i went through a gamut of emotions- giggling, hot, heartbeats, grinning, fainting and finally died!! You played the characters well, i could imagine James facial expressions as he suppress his anger & lust, and Sparrow's glee while discomfit James. hmm.. yummy, i want more!! my mind just wont quit.. kept nudging me.
From: Stella Omega
(IP Logged)
Date: 05/11/2008
I've just -gobbled- your stories that have been put up here. What a pleasure! this one gave me big grins. I do like these kinds of AUs, and the ways in which Jack Sparrow et all can interact with one another in a modern setting.

Thanks, and I hope this is the tip of your POTC iceberg!

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