Comments on Affliction

Number of comments: 4

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From: MonkeyMel
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Date: 07/23/2013
I enjoyed your story. I thought it was very well written.
From: Ts Kiti
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Date: 08/07/2012
I like this story! It is short, but it has good structure and development. Jack is vulnerable in this story, but it is always his IC thinkings that direct how this vulnerability shows and influences the course of events with the Commodore.The disarm scene is beautifully done, and it says so much. James is IC as well, and I like how he gradually comes to develop more tender feelings and care towards Jack.
From: JxJ
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Date: 03/08/2012
you're a genius.

Luv'you from the bottom of my heart.
From: sk
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Date: 03/12/2010
Such a darkly beautiful story. And that part where Will visits James's office after Jack's escape is SO a missing scene from the film. I like that James cares, that he can hear Jack's hair, and that Jack keeps coming back. :-)

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