
Believe in Life

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: Norrington/Gillette/Groves
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters. No copyright infringement intended. No profits made from this work of fiction
Originally Posted: 7/26/05
Note: I asked for drabble requests. drbillbongo asked for: Naval Threesome, a bit of angst and then fluff. Doesn't necessarily have to be NC-17, I'd be satisfied with PG-13 or R, too. It would be great if the fic included: a letter, brandy and some kind of game. There is no way I could put all of that into a drabble. ;-) This is the result. Hope you like it. Thank you to porridgebird whose comments helped strengthen the chess scene. :)
Summary: The next step is taken.

The letter sat on his desk, taunting him with its worrisome news from home. He had not been back to England in nearly five years. Things had changed, people had changed; everyone had gone on with their lives without him. Chiding himself for his foolishness at letting it bother him, since there was nothing he could do about past events, he reached for the sheets of neatly written paper, and put them in a drawer. His movements were abrupt and careless, completely unlike his normal respect of such things. There was a knock on the door to his cabin just then and his lieutenants, Theodore Groves and Andrew Gillette walked in at his response of "Enter."

These two men were his best friends. The three of them had risen together through the ranks. Both were loyal to a fault—to the Navy, to the Crown and, sometimes to his mild discomfiture, to James.

"Is something wrong, sir?" Gillette asked almost before he was through the doorway.

James smiled inwardly. He forgot how Andrew was also able to read minds or, at least, the mind of his commanding officer. Theo was better at interpreting body language, something James thought he was good at disguising, but his friend could read him like a book. He gave Groves a guarded look and waited. Theo squinted at him.

"Definitely something is amiss, I'd say."

James sighed.

His lieutenants regarded one another. "He won't tell us, you know," Theo said to Andrew. "He'll keep it locked up inside until it festers and makes him sick with worry. And then we'll have to take him out drinking. When he's completely snockered he'll finally open up only to tell us that it's nothing to worry about."

"Sounds like James all right."

Both men returned their attention to James, who sighed again.

"Very well. I'll tell you if only to avoid having you say to me later, "I told you so." He drummed his fingers on the desktop once, twice, and then he said, "My aunt Winifred passed away nearly three months ago."

"I'm so sorry, James."

"My condolences. Was she ill for long?"

He nodded. "I knew about her illness for some time and promised myself I'd go home to see her before the end, but I never made time for it."

Theo asked, "She was a favourite of yours?"

Settling back in his chair, James felt a tiny smile tug at his lips. "Yes, she was. We were nothing alike but we always got on quite well. She practically adopted me as her own when I was but a babe. It was questionable whether my mother would be able to take care of me after I was born, and Aunt Winifred stepped in with the offer to take me into her home, despite already having three of her own. Then Mother recovered and we carried on with our lives—together but separate."

He grew silent for a bit and got lost in thought, until Andrew leaned on the desk and asked, "Is there anything we can do?"

James looked at their sincere faces, both reflecting his own sadness. That was what he loved about them, more than the loyalty to him as their commander. They were loyal to him as a friend. A man could search his whole life and never find friends such as these.

"Yes. You can both come to dinner tonight. We shall celebrate Aunt Winifred's life and give her a good, if belated, send off."

"Gladly, sir."

"We'll be there."


Dinner was a success. James had insisted that his friends attend not as Naval officers but as friends of family. So, wigs and uniforms were left in their wardrobes and decent but casual attire was worn. The wine flowed freely all evening, throughout the meal and afterwards during a game of chess. It was an odd game since James was effectively playing against both Andrew and Theodore. He still managed to win—somehow.

"Mate and… check!" He set his king down and triumphantly tipped over their queen onto the board. Never mind that the game was won when the king was taken, not the queen, and at that point the phrase was supposed to be "check and mate". None of them seemed to realize that fact, as they were all too deep in their cups.

Andrew frowned mightily at the devastation of the battleground before him, obviously replaying the last few moves in his head. Perched on the arm of Gillette's chair, Theo grumbled blearily, "How do you do that? Every time we play you win."

"I wouldn't be much of a commander if I gave away all of my strategies, now would I?" James knew he sounded smug. Wine had a way of bringing that out in him. He tried for a good-natured tone and added, "You could try again."

Andrew sat back suddenly, inadvertently leaning against Theo who, James noted, did not move even an inch out of the way and might have actually pressed back against his friend. It wasn't the first time he had noticed the growing…whatever it was between them.

Gillette threw up his hands in defeat. "I'm afraid I've been humiliated enough for one evening."

"Theo?" James inquired with a nod towards the board.

Groves placed his arm across the back of the chair behind Andrew's shoulders. "Don't look at me. Drew is the chess champion in the family."

James stood and moved to the parlour's sideboard where he picked up a decanter. "Very well. You may have just missed your opportunity, however. I believe the wine has muddied my head a bit. Since I'm already getting into my cups…care to join me in a brandy, gentlemen?"

They both assented to the drink and all three settled in comfortable chairs to enjoy it. Silence seeped into the room but it was easy and soft, and none of them were eager to break it for a time.

Finally James noticed sly glances flitting between the two men. Some sort of communication was happening there and, judging by the powerful looks they were giving one another, he thought he knew what they were saying. While he accepted without qualm—and only the worry that they be careful—that they were lovers or about to become so, he wished they had not chosen to let him in on their secret—not that they had said anything in words. Still, it was not like either of them to let this much slip, as both were nearly as fiercely private as he was, keeping their off duty lives completely separate from the rest of the world… until now.

"Well," James sipped at his brandy. "I've kept you long enough. You must have someplace else you'd rather be."

There was another exchange of looks between them and he frowned. This was becoming a bit overmuch. He set aside his glass and stood. Or, rather, he tried to stand. The second he was vulnerable to attack they did just that.

With Andrew on one side and Theo on the other, James found himself pushed back into the chair. As attacks on his person went this one was exceedingly gentle.

"James, we've been friends—all of us—for years," Theo began. "You know we would never attempt this at risk of a court martial if we did not trust you."

"However," Andrew picked up the rest of the thought, "we would really appreciate it if you told us right now that you are all right with this, before we go any further."

Looking at his friends, so close now, leaning over him although not in any way that could be construed as threatening, James forced his voice to be light as he asked, "What is this thing of which you speak?"

Theo's grin was feral yet full of his usual good humour. "Why, we wish to seduce you."

James could only stare at him.

"We mean no disrespect to your beloved aunt, but you obviously feel badly about her passing and we want to comfort you in the best way we know how…" Theo paused, "in the way we have wanted to be with you for ages. Forgive us for choosing this particular evening to make the attempt."

"Will you tell us now if you wish us to continue?" Andrew's voice held a note of pleading.

James understood what they wanted from him. The idea was somewhat frightening in a way, but more than that it was attractive in the extreme. His mouth was suddenly dry, so he merely nodded jerkily. His friends nodded back. It was as if a business transaction had just been completed; so devoid of emotion was that moment. But then the lines around Groves's eyes crinkled as his face broke into a relieved grin, and something like self-satisfaction crossed Gillette's countenance.

While Andrew began to unbutton James's waistcoat, Theo leaned in so close that all James could see were his dark eyes with the flecks of gold. He could smell the wine on his breath, and then Theo's mouth was on his and he was kissing him and, after a hesitation the space of a two breaths, James kissed him back. He could not recall ever wondering what it would be like to kiss either Theo or Andrew, but had to admit so far the reality was much nicer than anything his imagination could have given him.

Groves stood up and pulled James to his feet along with him. Gillette took his left arm while Theo took his right, and they turned him towards the parlour door and the hallway outside.

"Need I ask where you are taking me?" James asked.

"Upstairs," Theo told him.

"If we're going to do this properly we are doing it in a bed," Andrew said determinedly.

"Or on a bed," Theo added.

"Beside a bed?" James asked playfully as a silent and smirking Gillette removed his shirt, pulling it over James's head. Momentarily blinded, James stumbled on a step but Theo caught and steadied him.

"Do you have a rug next to it?" he asked when James was able to see again. Andrew was running his hands up and down James's arm as if he'd never seen it before. It had actually been a very long time since James had gone shirtless in their presence. He liked the attention and the possessive look in Andrew's eye.

Remembering that he'd been asked a question he searched for the answer. "Yes."

"Then beside the bed is a definite possibility."

"Do this sort of thing often?"

"Only with each other," Gillette said, breaking his silence.

"Ah." James contemplated that. "I was wondering… How long?"

"Three years, James."

"And I only just got an inkling of it in the last few months. Not terribly observant of me."

"James," Theo stopped him in the hallway outside his bedchamber, a hand on his arm. "We only let you see it in the last few months."

James stood looking at the door to his room. He found he was trembling as if he was a young man about to be deflowered like a maiden. It wasn't as if he'd never done this before with a man. But doing it with two men, both his very best friends, was somehow daunting. They both looked so confident, until he looked more closely and saw that Andrew's cheeks bore a faint blush of self-consciousness and Theo's hand, still on his arm, had gone cold as ice.

"Are you both certain you want to do this?" James asked.

Giving him a shaky smile, Theo said, "Shouldn't we be asking you that?"

"Unless," Andrew put in, once again finishing Groves's thought, "you're the more experienced man here?"

"No!" That came out more explosively than intended and James felt his own face heat up. "I mean it's not as if I have a lot of…experience. I have…s-some."

Feeling the fool he glanced at his friends who looked as uncomfortable as he felt. It had nothing, he knew, to do with his reaction and everything to do with what they were about to do. His lieutenants stole looks at one another and then at him, all of them sliding away into a regrettable hole that could only widen into a chasm. The awkwardness that had suddenly befallen them was so unlike the three of them, as they had always been totally at ease with one another since the day they'd met in Bombay so many years ago. Three fairly green midshipmen bonding instantly over their mutual awe of the adventure on which they were embarked.

Knowing that he had to do something or their friendship could be irrevocably changed, he struggled for a lighthearted comment. A memory of that time in India surfaced and James said, "Theo, do you remember when you tripped and fell face first into the lap of that Prince? You were so terrified of having your head lopped off I do believe you would have done anything up to and including washing the man's feet."

Gillette snorted at the memory.

Theo grew outraged. "Drew tripped me! If anyone was doing any foot washing it would have been him."

A giggle worked its way out of Gillette. James turned his face into the wall, shoulders shaking with mirth. Then a hand, warm and callused, slid up his back to rest on the back of his neck. He turned into the touch.

Having gotten over his snit, Theo gazed at him with a kind of awed curiosity, dark eyes searching his face before he leaned in and lightly pressed his lips to James's. Andrew stood close, cupping the backs of their heads, sliding his fingers through their hair. They all wore their hair longer than was practical, but only James's fell all the way to his shoulders. Gillette played with the strands that dangled against James's collarbone. His heavy-lidded brown eyes sparkled as he flicked the silky ends. Then he kissed James, tasting him, no doubting comparing him to his long-time lover. He grinned quite suddenly, the expression almost foreign on his normally serious face. It scrunched up his freckles and made him seem rather boyish.

"Do either of you think this is silly?" he asked. "To be standing out here when we could be in there?"

"With our clothes off?" James ventured and was heartened by the lusty expressions that crossed both their faces.

"Doing a little exploring like good officers of the Royal Navy?" Theo added.

"For King and country?" James put in, rewarded by a pair of perfectly executed salutes, which he sharply returned before they all dissolved into laughter.

James reached for the doorknob and then slowly drew his hand back.

"Gentlemen…Theodore, Andrew, I want you to know that having you as my friends is comfort enough every day you've been in my life. However," he dipped his head and smiled slightly, "having you in my bed even just the once will be a treasure I shall cherish forever."

Andrew leaned around him and opened the door. "James, we truly feel the same way. And it won't be just the one time."

"But, please, could we get on with it?" Theo asked. "If I can't rub myself all over that lovely lean body of yours very soon I shall make a right fool of myself by leaping out the window naked and permanently aroused."

James dropped his eyes to the front of Theo's breeches, unmistakably tented by a raging erection. Then he dropped his hand and lightly squeezed the hardness. Theo made a funny little noise that sounded like a squeak and his mouth formed a small O.

"Well, far be it for me to allow you to make a fool of yourself. Let us go in."

James gave into his own rampant desire and dragged them both into the room, taking them by surprise, if their startled yelps were anything to go by. He shut the door from the inside, Theo plastered to his back, hands roving all over James's body, and Andrew stripping off everyone's clothing.

This was a new grand adventure and it was right that the three of them embarked on it together.


Hours later, sated, sweat-streaked and exhausted, James stretched and then wrapped his long arms around Theo's limp body. Andrew rolled over and curled up against James's other side, insinuating his red head under James's chin.

Stifling a yawn, James asked, "Why is it we didn't do this years ago?"

His only answer was a snore from the right and a mutter on the left.

"Time enough…later," he agreed.

His eyes closed.

# end

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