
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

by Tiggothy

Rating: S for Silly
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 7/13/05
Note: Written for the "Minor Characters" challenge at Brethren of the Pen.
Summary: It's the morning after the attack on Port Royal, from a different perspective.

Well, after all the excitement of last night's attack I was delighted with the attention my officer gave to me this morning. He checked over every inch of me before allowing me out of the house with him, he was so worried I might have been injured. Such a show of concern, however, seems to have short-circuited his brain because he forgot to dress me! I've never been so embarrassed in my life! I'm not digging for compliments here—I know I'm beautiful naked; lickable as an ice cream he once told me; it's just so uncomfortable appearing like that outside.

I think he realised how uncomfortable I was feeling though; he certainly wasn't acting himself this morning. I've never seen him be so forceful with the Turner boy before! Mind you, I couldn't help noticing how the boy has grown since I last saw him. Surely he should have a companion by now? I have heard of some men who spend their whole lives without even looking for one. That thought makes me shudder. I mean, it's unnatural.

Anyway, all is settled and sorted now. James picked up his old hat from the fort a few minutes ago; it's not as fancy as the one he gave me when he got promoted, but beggars can't be choosers, can they? Now I'm helping him to re-supply the Interceptor; well, supervising him really, and teaching his lieutenant's companion more of the intricacies of our role in the Royal Navy.

Oh dear, these young two-curlers are so excitable... Groves' companion has spotted something out in the bay. Oh well, I suppose we'll have to look. Oh no! It's Gillette! Is everything alright? Oh yes, not to worry, he has his companion. I was a mite scared for a moment. He seems awfully distressed; I wonder what's wrong?

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