
If It Wasn't For The Law

by Order of Chaos

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: PotC isn't mine.
Originally Posted: 12/09/05
Blame placed on: ladyhamilton, for reawakening the plot bunny.
Note: Inspired by a certain song from The Mikado.
Summary: Let me make it clear to you, This is what I'll never do!

"So, Commodore. What do you say to...?"


Jack drew back, looking plaintive. "Don't you like me, then?"

The Commodore frowned at him. "I admit, Sparrow, I am excessively fond of you, but doing anything about it is out of the question. It's against the law."

"And," Jack purred, every line of his body screaming seduction, "if it wasn't for the law?" A note of wistfulness he couldn't quite conceal crept into his expression as he looked up at the Commodore. "If I—would you...?"

"If it wasn't for the law..." Norrington's eyes darkened as his self-restraint finally snapped. "I would have you pushed up hard against the nearest wall. Like this." He demonstrated, his hands circling the pirate's wrists irresistibly, the full length of his body pressing Jack against the smooth stone.

Jack wriggled, and, finding he couldn't move, buried his head in the hollow of the Commodore's throat and nibbled at it. "Yes," he breathed, the words muffled by the white fabric of James' uniform. "And?"

"And you certainly wouldn't be wearing these." Norrington divested Sparrow of the offending garments, dragging the sash free and his shirt up over his head. "In fact," he continued, working his way into Sparrow's breeches and pushing them down around his ankles, "I rather think you wouldn't be wearing anything at all." His hands smoothed firmly over each patch of revealed skin, his touch somewhere between soothing and possessive.

Jack whined as he pulled away, but obligingly kicked off his boots so the Commodore could finish stripping him. "Wouldn't I, now?" he murmured hazily.

"No." Norrington bent his head to Jack's chest to scrape his teeth across ragged scars of bullet wounds, dragging out an equally ragged cry, and a "please."

"Please?" he echoed. "No. Let me make it perfectly clear to you, Sparrow..."

He rocked his hips into Jack's—white naval breeches against naked skin, expectedly erotic but still in the way. He stripped impatiently before returning to the task at hand. The pirate was shaking. Beautiful.

"This..." A sharp bite to Jack's hipbone...

"Is what I'll never..."

A quick lick at Jack's cock, then away again...

"Never do."

And he shoved oiled fingers deep into the pirate and twisted, stretching him so fast if would have hurt had he not needed it so desperately. Jack wailed—was cut off by the Commodore pressing warm lips to his, kissing him with wild abandon. By the time they broke the kiss Jack was too far gone even to think, and Norrington's usually ice-green eyes were burning. "Never, Jack. Do you savvy?"

The pirate melted against him, scarcely aware of what he was saying. "Please."

"Do you savvy?" That was more a demand than a question. Norrington curled his fingers as he spoke, hitting something inside Jack that made him half scream half babble out an agreement.

"I savvy, Commodore, please James please, I..."

"What, Sparrow?" Fingers withdrew to be replaced by the hot tip of Norrington's cock, pressing firmly against Jack's entrance, but not...

Please. "The law. If it wasn't for the law, you would..." fuck me, please, James now, I need...

"Yes." And then Jack's legs were being dragged up to wrap around the Commodore's waist, and Norrington was sliding hard into him. He'd have screamed, but Norrington was kissing him again and everything was dissolving far too fast into blinding pleasure. Not fair, he thought, and oh god this is...

The Commodore pulled out, wrapping his hand around Jack's cock as he slammed back into him, filling Jack with his seed. Jack came.

Time passed.

"As it is," Norrington said eventually, pulling out of Sparrow's body and letting the pirate slide bonelessly to the ground. "Of course we can't do anything of the sort."

"I know." Jack grinned up at him, breathlessly appreciative. "Pity, that."

Norrington smiled.

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