

by Jaekayelle

Pairing: J/N, Anamaria
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the characters. No copyright infringement intended. No profits made from this work of fiction.
Originally Posted: 1/12/05
Note: If you usually read my Jack/James fics and you're avoiding this because of Ana or the last one because of Lizzie, you might want to read them anyway. :) The next fic should be pure Sparrington. Just had to get this out of my system. I'm still sick. Lemme alone. ;-p
Summary: Scruples and pirates don't go together.

No matter her apprehension about Jack taking the Navy as a lover, Anamaria had to admit that the two men were truly beautiful together. She watched as Norrington straddled the Pearl's captain and, after a couple of adjustments to their positions and whatnot, smoothly impaled himself on Jack. She sighed with Norrington as he sank home, his hand going out for balance and finding a sturdy golden hand there to clasp their fingers together. Jack raised his knees to support his lover's back and then both pairs of hands were tightly gripping, while Norrington's strong thigh muscles raised and lowered him. If she tipped her head to the side she could just see the tip of the Navy's impressive prick as it bobbed in front of him. She grinned. No wonder Jack was topping. Having that up his ass would hurt. She could take him, though.

Ana's mouth watered at the sight of two such fine males working together to find satisfaction. Her attraction to Jack was purely animalistic. He tended to drive her mad with his prattle, though she had no qualms about his ability to captain his ship, so she felt no sting over the Navy bedding Jack. Sweat trickled down Norrington's back and pooled on Jack's stomach. The Commodore was a man, after all. That revelation had set her to thinking about things she had originally preferred not to want to think about when he first showed up in the middle of her watch months ago. Get rid of the uniform—she gave a mental chuckle as she regarded him presently very much without his uniform—and there was a very nice package of flesh and blood there to be considered. A handsome face, a leanly muscular body and, to hear Jack tell it, a quick wit; Jack could pick them very well. And when this one was tired of she would be there to mend a broken heart—at least once. Twice or more if he was worth it.

She turned to leave, and then thought better of it. Why wait to have her fun?

Her fingers went to the buttons of her shirt and then deftly undid her breeches. One of the benefits of dressing in men's clothing was that it took less time to undress than if she'd worn layers of petticoats and frippery.

She approached Jack's bed.

"Heave to," she commanded.

Norrington looked startled, his green eyes going wide and uncertain as they flicked from her to Jack. His rhythm faltered and then stopped altogether. Jack's annoyance was clear. He put his hands on his lover's waist to stop him from leaving, as it certainly looked like that was what Navy intended to do.

"Not this time, Ana," Jack growled.

Norrington's gaze roved appraisingly over her body but returned very definitely to Jack. Now Ana was annoyed. This wasn't working as planned. She'd done this a time or two with Jack and his then current paramour. Insinuate herself into the mix, have some fun and go about the business of sailing the Pearl. She watched as Norrington's hand crept out seeking Jack's, and once again they were firmly latched onto one another.

Jack shook his head at her.

"No, Ana. He's different. He's not for sharing."

Pink stained Norrington's face. His long eyelashes brushed the tops of his cheekbones when he lowered his head slightly. He sneaked a look at her from under those lashes and Ana felt a surge of triumph. Navy was definitely interested in expanding his repertoire.

She flung a look at Jack. Again he shook his head.

"You're reading it wrong, Ana," he said warningly.

In response she lifted her chin, planted her hands on her bare hips—all too aware of how that made her breasts jut out—and smiled invitingly at Norrington. After a long searching look at Jack, after which some silent communication passed between the two men, the pirate hunter smiled back at her. It caught Anamaria off guard because it wasn't the acquiescence she had expected.

"Miss," he said in a deep shiver-inducing voice, making Ana realize she hadn't ever heard him speak before now. "Your offer is very flattering and, perhaps if I hadn't met Jack first, I would readily accept. However, what Jack and I have is more than s-sex." He stumbled almost endearingly over the word. A gentleman never spoke of such things in front of a woman. She'd never categorize herself as a lady. "There simply isn't room for another here. Unless," he lifted a questioning eyebrow at the man who lay passively yet coiled under him, "you understand that and are still willing to participate?"

Grudgingly, Anamaria admitted, "Don't get what ye be sayin'."

"He's sayin' that you can play as long as you don't try to commandeer my commodore behind my back later on!"

Anamaria glared at them both.

"He's mine, Ana, and I'm his. Know that and maybe we can reach an accord here."

"This is a one time offer, Miss," Norrington added.

Her pride flaring, Anamaria nearly stormed out of the cabin, but she harboured an overpowering desire to have a taste of this lovely man. Also, it had been months since she and Jack had done anything and he had been the last one she'd had.

"All right," she stuck her hand forward. It was the way of the sea, of pirates. Parlay, reach an agreement and shake on it.

A slight twinkle of amusement lit the backs of Norrington's eyes but he accepted her hand in a firm grip. Gruffly, Jack did the same. She wondered about her captain's behaviour. Jack was never one to turn down an offer of sex from anyone. She'd seen him bed twins and another at the same time. Why was he being so protective of Norrington? Could he actually be in love with the man? Jack Sparrow in love? She gave herself a mental shake. It did not make sense.

The men rearranged themselves on the bed leaving room for her. She slowly climbed up beside them and stretched out on her side. They looked at her and then, as one, rose on their knees facing each other. Norrington opened his arms and Jack leaned into his embrace. She watched as they slowly caressed one another. Jack bent his head and nibbled at Norrington's collarbone. Navy smiled at that and put one finger under Jack's chin to guide him back up into a melting kiss. They both laughed into it. Then Jack drove his fingers into Norrington's hair, pushing it off his face before kissing him on the forehead.

They drew apart. Jack lay back against the pillows while Navy sat back on his heels looking at Ana. She looked steadily back at him, and then slowly lifted her arm. He slid his fingers up the inside of her wrist. Then he replaced them with his lips, his eyes locked on hers. Ana suppressed a tremor. No man held sway over her. The feeling would soon go away.

Norrington pressed her back onto the mattress covering her body with his own. He just held her loosely, braced on his elbows. They continued to stare at each other.

Ana licked her lips. She felt the weight of Jack's gaze coming from her left. Defiantly she wrapped one leg around Norrington's waist and pulled his head down into a kiss, putting everything she had into it with her eyes closed. He did not resist but he was slow to respond. Then, tentatively, he kissed back opening his mouth to allow her persistent tongue entrance. He warmed to her but was still not letting loose. After a few moments of trying to convince him she turned her head away so that his kisses landed on her jaw. She opened her eyes and saw Jack still watching, his expression brightening from cool to satisfied. Norrington's prick rested against her belly but it felt wrong. A quick glance downward revealed that he was now only half-hard. Reality twisted in Ana's gut. Damn Navy really was a gentleman. Rather than turn her down flat he had offered himself—and Jack—so she could save face.

She pushed at Norrington's shoulders and, when he raised himself off her, she slipped out from under him. Standing beside the bed she looked down into his apologetic face. Allowing herself one last touch she trailed her fingertips across his cheek.

"Changed my mind." Then she walked over to where she'd dropped her clothes and pulled them on with an economy of movement. She walked out of the cabin, turning at the last possible second before the door closed to steal a glance back. Norrington moved into Jack's arms like they were home.

Anamaria let the door shut.

# end

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