
Things To Do Today

by Order of Chaos

Pairing: J/N
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 12/25/06 & 2/20/07
Warning: Part list, part crack, part fic. Breaks fourth wall.
Summary: Things to do - (as planned in advance by psychic!Norrington and psychic!Sparrow)

Things To Do Today (as planned in advance by psychic!Norrington)

See Jack.

See Jack run.

See Jack trip over own feet and go sprawling.

Laugh at Jack.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Jack.

Arrest Jack.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Jack.

Make Jack promise not to attack English ships, in exchange for freedom.

Succumb to attempt at flirtation made by Jack.

Have long, hot, and graphically explicit sex with Jack, for the sole purpose of upping the rating of this drabble to NC-17. (i.e. push cock into Jack's arse and fuck him, deep and slow and hard until he's begging you to let him come. Have him do the same to you.)

Arrange to meet again next Tuesday.

Things to do Today, Savvy? (being the same day, as planned in advance by equally-psychic!Sparrow)

See Commodore.

Run from Commodore.

Implement strategic collision with ground, for purpose of being captured by Commodore.

Admire Commodore's evil laugh.

Flirt with Commodore.

Get self arrested by Commodore.

Take moment to appreciate potential for bondage games inherent in handcuffs.

Flirt with Commodore.

Promise not to attack English ships, in exchange for sex. And freedom, naturally.

Flirt with Commodore.

Have long, hot, and graphically explicit sex with Commodore, for the sole purpose of upping the rating of this drabble to NC-17. (i.e. bend over desk and let him fuck you, his cock moving deep and slow and hard in your arse, so very, very good that it's worth begging for. Do the same to him.)

Arrange to meet again next Tuesday.

Things to do Next Tuesday - (as planned in advance by psychic!Norrington)

Extract self from bedclothes.

Hide wig.

Pack bags in preparation for being abducted, (rudely and against will) by Sparrow. Attach something shiny to each, and position where Sparrow will see them.

Be abducted by Sparrow, (rudely and against will).

Object scathingly to aforementioned abduction.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Sparrow.

Get taken to Pearl.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Sparrow.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Sparrow.

Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Sparrow.

Succumb to attempt at flirtation made by Sparrow.

In an attempt to keep the rating of this drabble to PG-13, do not allow Sparrow to suck you off. Do not bite back moans of pleasure or twine your hands helplessly in his tangle of hair as you come in his mouth. Also, do not extract handcuffs from conveniently stolen luggage, chain Sparrow to his own overly elaborate headboard and fuck him through the mattress.

Instead, allow Sparrow to kiss you, slowly and sweetly. Smile.

Spend the evening on deck with rum, Sparrow, Sparrow's crew, and more rum.

Get very drunk.

Extract Sparrow's hair from Parrot.

Try not to fall in love with Sparrow.


Arrange for Sparrow to ransom self back to navy in a week or so.

Things to do Next Tuesday, Savvy? (being the same day, as planned in advance by equally-psychic!Sparrow)

Extract hair from Parrot.

Hide Pearl near Port Royal.

Decide waiting until rendezvous time for meeting with Commodore is intolerable.

Cancel previously arranged waiting (ie. abduct Commodore).

Conduct failed search for Commodore's Wig. Instead, steal shiny bags.

Flirt with Commodore.

Take Commodore to Pearl.

Flirt with Commodore.

Flirt with Commodore.

Flirt with Commodore.

Flirt successfully with Commodore.

In an attempt to keep rating of drabble to PG-13, do not peel Commodore out of his clothes, bite a hard trail of kisses down his chest or suck his cock into your mouth and swirl your tongue around the tip of it until he comes. Also, avoid being handcuffed to the headboard and fucked through the mattress.

Instead, kiss Commodore sweetly and almost chastely on the lips. Find yourself charmed by his smile.

Spend evening on deck with rum, Commodore, crew, and more rum.

Lots more rum.

Get moderately drunk.

Act drunker.

Let Commodore extract hair from Parrot this time.

Try not to fall in love with Commodore.


Arrange to ransom Commodore back to the navy in a week or so.

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