Comments on Magnetic Variation

Number of comments: 3

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From: geekmama
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Date: 07/02/2012
What joy to come across this, which I somehow missed last year. I've been longing for some excellently written pirate!fic, and there is no more reliable source than your good self. No one catches Jack in all his mad glory like you do. Love that you touch on all the sequels. Love that it ends on such a hopeful note, and one that invites sequelish speculation. Fanfic at its best.

From: Rex Luscus
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Date: 04/09/2012
This is just wonderful! Really really wonderful. Your writing is so skilled and alive, and I love the elliptical way you move from episode to episode. I was someone who wasn't crazy about the sequels (well, AWE at least) and this story for me has some of the magic of the first film in it.
From: Emily Hall
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Date: 04/05/2012
Agh. Aghh. Aghhh. I have no words, except for this is one of the best fanfictions that exist in the universe. I could go on and on. Your writing style is so characteristic of Jack and of the setting in general, and the stream-of-consciousness moments are great. Your diction is lush and sophisticated without being too wordy or condescending. I love how you write the characters and their relationships to each other. And your connections to the main story line are very skillfully woven together. Everything is beautiful. You are perfect. That is all.

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