

by Kate Roman

Pairing: Jack/James
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 8/6/10
Dedication: For griffndor and porridgebird.
Summary: Norrington had no idea what his first time with Jack would be like. And it was so much more than that, besides.

Norrington grimaced and lowered his head, forcing himself to breathe as he was taken. As Jack pushed in, the girth of him splitting Norrington open, making him what he'd never been before.

A soft sound escaped his lips and then Jack was there, his hand rough and calloused on Norrington's hip, squeezing gently. "Tell me how it is, love. Tell me if I'm hurting you."

Norrington pushed back, determined. It hurt, but it was more than that. He wanted this. This was what he'd asked for, what he'd demanded and—oh. Oh...

Norrington forced himself to focus, staring at his hand knuckling the sheet, damp and desperate. Jack slid in hard, with a jolt, drawing a cry from Norrington's chapped lips.

The feel of those lean, wiry thighs against the backs of his own, the inescapable sensation of Jack's full cock opening him, filling him...it drove the pain before him and away, burning him clean and raw and new.

"Talk to me, love. I... I need you here with me." Jack's voice was hoarser than usual.

Norrington swallowed hard. He wanted to make the perfect response. He wanted to be worthy of what Jack was giving him, what he was doing, but only a groan escaped. It was so much more than he'd thought possible. So much more than he'd dreamed of.

"James." Jack moved forward and placed his hand over Norrington's own, gentling him, relaxing him. Norrington watched his fingers unclench under Jack's touch. Jack's movement had...stoked something inside him. Something deep and needing, something he'd never dreamed possible.

And he needed more. Much much, more.

With a soft whine, he pushed back, lodging Jack deeper in him. "Jack..." It was an effort to shape the name. He rocked gently, fucking himself when Jack would hold still, would deny him.

"That's my love. Oh...James." Jack drew a deep breath and Norrington felt it, felt the intake and seconds later, the gentle exhale.

He thrashed on Jack's cock, buggering himself when Jack wouldn't do it for him and he heard Jack gasp, then his hands, both of them, found his hips and braced him as Jack started short, hard strokes of his own. Norrington braced himself on his forearms, tensing his thighs against the onslaught.

Jack was merciless. His thrusts were hard and rough and Norrington resettled his knees as the thrusts drew a growing sensation from him, a spiralling longing. He cried aloud, once and again, and once more, needing release.

Jack's cock in him, deep and hard and...huge in him, was driving him insane, making him need and want and yearn...

Norrington's cries became yells then died away into moans again. He struggled, inching his hands to the edge of the mattress and hanging on as Jack groaned, long and low in his throat. Jack's hands tightened and Norrington pictured furrows on his hips, felt Jack's fingers sink into the thin flesh, leaving marks—marks Norrington earned with every raw thrust—

The feeling of Jack in him, his innermost cheeks slicked with cooking oil from the kitchen downstairs, making him shudder with pleasure, holding him open, the sensations shimmering up his spine—

Norrington fumbled a hand down between his legs, jerking at his leaking cock while Jack thumped into him. His balls ached for release and the feel of Jack...Jack....

"James..." Jack grunted and stiffened while Norrington worked himself madly, desperate for release.

Jack collapsed on his back and that, combined with his pulsing release, triggered Norrington's own climax. With a weak cry he shuddered, fingers suddenly slick with his own spunk. Waves of pleasure shook him and he tumbled face-first to the bed, giving them free rein, overwhelmed and destroyed by the sensations Jack's cock was conjuring deep inside. Norrington shuddered through the aftershocks, eyes closed, breathing in the cotton sheets, warmed by the heat of their joining.

Jack's breath sounded ragged in his ears, his cock softening in Norrington's sensitive passage.

"Commodore," he panted, "that was... that was... well it just was, wasn't it?" He nuzzled Norrington's cheek.

Norrington was too focused on the feel of Jack slipping out of him and away to respond. He swore he could still feel Jack inside him. The tight ring of muscle at his entrance thrummed with sensation and he shifted a little, marveling at the feeling, at the loss. He'd never felt so taken, so opened up... and so lost.

"Ah, but I'm still right here. I haven't gone anywhere, have I now?" Jack breathed in his ear. He slipped his arms round Norrington's torso, his sun-dark arms a stark contrast to Norrington's pale, protected flesh.

Say it, Norrington willed. Please. A pirate's peg boy he might now be but he was still too proud to beg out loud.

"And I won't," Jack finished. He nipped Norrington's ear. "Sometimes, Commodore, you think too much."

Norrington let himself relax, sagging into Jack's arms at the sound of his voice. "Sometimes," he panted. "You make it impossible not to."

Jack chuckled and pulled Norrington close, his softening cock nestled between them. And that was all the response Norrington could hope for. He allowed himself a grin and fell into a safe and dreamless sleep.

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