Comments on Rags of Time

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From: Ts Kiti
(IP Logged)
Date: 08/06/2012
I like this story. It is well crafted, with a central plot and theme working through from beginning to the end. Too often novella length stories wander off aimlessly in middle chapters, but not this one.

The story has a lot of quite, tender and intimate moments, which are by themselves beautiful, and carry the undercurrent beneath the very precarious nature of the relationship between a commodore and a notorious private. The range of emotions is solid, real and delicate. This is also a story when I finally see a Captain Jack Sparrow in love. This Captain is more loving, dedicated and loyal than the canon version, but he loses none of his idiosyncrasy, character and intelligence. He is believable in this story.The resolution at the end sounds a hasty one, but Jack should have thought about it for a while. There's still a hint of uncertainty, but I am moved and satisfied and convinced. There are moments when I am not happy with James, but it is just personal. Overall it is a very enjoyable read.

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