
The Challenge

by Like A Hurricane

Pairing: Jack/James
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: I have no claim on POTC or the lovely characters who populate it, even if it seems that James Norrington has, somewhat disconcertingly, made himself quite at home in my head with no apparent plans to leave. Jack Sparrow has been dropping by at random for years, as well, which surely doesn't help matters.
Originally Posted: November, 2009
Dedication: To Linen Sheets
Summary: Intent upon better knowing his enemy, after a close shave wherein the commodore's fleet nearly caught his Pearl, Jack Sparrow climbs James' trellis in order to have words, but finds that he's underestimated the good commodore. Of course, James was unfairly being very distracting, what with the nudity and all. Cat-and-mouse games ensue.

Complete, 7 chapters + Epilogue (33k words). Click here to read.

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