
With Pleasure

by Kate Roman

Title: With Pleasure
Pairing: Jack Sparrow/Jack Harkness
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, etc. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 3/5/10
Dedication: For darling quoshara, who asked for some Jack/Jack silliness. Here you go!
Summary: The artifact he'd been sent to find was here, somewhere, and he would not leave without it. (Crossover: PotC-Torchwood)

Wine, women and song were all very well, but they didn't sate a man for long. Jack Harkness clambered off his straw pallet, staring blearily about the seafront inn. He'd never been a fan of the Spanish Main—there was too much filth and trouble that came with the treats he'd found.

Jack shuddered. Even off-world, it was hard to come by strong enough antibiotics to fend off the ancient pirate germs. But the artifact he'd been sent to find was here, somewhere, and he would not leave without it. Not while there was a chance it might bring Ianto back.

"Hello, stranger." The voice lilted from the darkness of the taproom, and Jack whirled, staring into the gloom.

In the darkness, he could make out little more than a pair of bright eyes and the suggestion of a strong jaw. Hand resting on the hilt of his pistol, he stepped forward slowly. Whether for good or ill, he knew not. Not yet.

"A pretty stranger indeed," the voice continued, and Jack felt something in him answer, something deep inside. He took another step without conscious thought, until he saw clearly at last.

A haggard face, bearded like a Romany, brown skin and eyes like sloe. Jack licked his lips unconsciously and without waiting for an invitation, took a stool at the low table where his hailer sprawled. The scent of rum hung sweet and sticky in the air.

"You called me," Jack said roughly. "Why?" He couldn't tear his gaze from the stranger's face.

"Because I had got tired of waiting." Fast as lightning, the stranger moved, sitting upright at once and pushing a tankard towards Jack. "Drink, man, that I may wait no more."

"Who are you?" Jack Harkness took the cup and swallowed down the burning, bitter rum. "I feel like I know you."

"I?" The stranger laughed. "I am Captain Jack. At your service, sir."

"Captain... no." Jack paled, looking at the brown face, the twinkling eyes. "I am Captain Jack."

"This I know." The stranger laughed again, and stood. "And so you meet your match. Come, Captain Jack Harkness. We are well-matched, you and I, and while we could fight, I prefer to do things in a more...gentlemanly...manner. Come aboard for the night, and tomorrow I shall give you the trinket you seek."

The stranger stood, and of a sudden, Jack saw the gleam of gold at his neck.

"Yes," he said softly. "I carry the wheel you came to find. But it comes with a price, and that price must be paid."

For Ianto. Taking a further swig of rum, Jack leaned forward. "What is your price, man? For I warn you, I will take it from you, come what may."

"Aye, so you will." The sloe black eyes danced mockingly. "Captain Jack, we may fuck or fight as it pleases you, but I warn you now, I choose the former." He jumped to his feet, stopping only long enough to pick up the bottle of rum.

Jack stared. His tormentor swung out of the bar, and, belatedly, Jack jumped to his feet and followed. He nearly lost him in the thronged streets, but somehow he kept the red bandanna in sight, until at last he made it down to the waterside. The figure moved ahead of him. "Stop!" Jack cried, but the man made no response.

At last Jack understood. "Hail, Captain Jack!" he shouted, and this time, his erstwhile host stopped and turned.

"Jack Sparrow, at your service," he said, and bowed. "Come aboard, my lord, and we shall see what comes up." He indicated a ship at anchor, a little way out.

One glance showed Jack Harkness that she was a wreck, kept afloat and hidden by an old-fashioned glamor. He nodded slowly, beginning to understand. "You are a part of all this," he growled.

"Jack, I am a part of many things," Sparrow said, reaching out a hand invitingly. "But tonight, I ask only that you be a part of me."

For the first time, Captain Jack Harkness relaxed. "With pleasure," he said, and took the pirate's hand.

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