Tearing his eyes away from the definitively strange stranger, Jack calls, “Cox!”

“That’s very... to the point,” says the foppish gent, and there’s a ripple of laughter from his friends.  Jack colours, and ignores it, despite the protestations of the restless itch that might well (now that he thinks about it) be the precursor of a visit from the Imp of the Perverse.  “Tom Cox,” he says loudly, further clarifying matters by going over to his mate’s side and clapping him on the shoulder.

Tom’s pink-faced, his curls angelically awry.  “Jack Shaftoe!  Good to see you!”

“Been a while, eh?  Haven’t seen you since that night at the playhouse, with that Scottish lass.”  Jack pulls up a chair, and signals to a laden serving-girl, who bustles his way.  Jack gives her a grateful wink.  “Remember her, Tom?  She was a goer, eh?”

“Mmm,” says Tom.  A surprisingly non-committal answer; and as he gives it, he flicks a glance at his raven-headed companion.  “Anyway, this is Jamie.  Jamie, this is Jack.”

Jamie smiles, wide and glinting.  “Pleased to meet ye,” he says.  He’s got an earring in one ear, sign of an ocean-going fellow; and the greenest eyes Jack’s ever seen.  He’s young, barely grown into his muscle, and his cheeks are shaven smooth.  He’s unreasonably handsome, painfully so, and the way he’s looking at Jack is not a subtle one.  it’s a look that goes some way to explaining why Tom might not want to enter into reminiscences about girls; a look that’s ripe with suggestion, proposal, wickedness.

And damn’d if poor Jack Shaftoe isn’t in the mood for suggestion, of any kind.  Any kind that might... ease his itching.  This lad is dangerous.  Abysmally dangerous.

Does Jack face down the danger?
Or run away from it?

Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al,
and the actors who portrayed them. Jack Shaftoe is the property of Neal Stephenson.
Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site. All content is copyrighted by its creator.