Jack Shaftoe’s done some impulsive things before in his life, but this one really takes the cake.  Not half an hour ago he was striding down the street looking for amusement, and now?

Now he’s leaning back against the ill-fitting door of a garret, fighting the tremble in his bones, as the prettiest boy he’s ever seen kneels in front of him, eyes dark with mischief and desire, and twists open the buttons of Jack’s breeches.  A warm hand frees Jack’s cock, and there it is, big and bold as you please; the lad’s tongue touches lightly, and Jack twitches with need.

“D’you want me bare, Jack? ‘Fore I do this?”

“No, yes, no, yes,” says Jack unhelpfully, battling the conflicting urgings of his good sense and the Imp.  Jamie laughs.

“Half bare, then,” he murmurs, and shrugs off his coat and shirt.  His skin’s like poured milk, rosy nipples peaked and sharp; when he reaches up under Jack’s clothes to stroke and fondle, his forearms feel silky, warm, vulnerable.  Jack shifts, greedily, and his breeches fall lower.

It’s been an age since anyone gave him this, months; Jack wants it, wants it bad.  Even if it’s coming from another bloke. When Jamie engulfs his prick, it’s impossible to hold back a groan; a sound that Jamie echoes, and the vibrations of that are just glorious.  His mouth’s hot and wet as any quim, and holds a cunning, eager tongue besides, a tongue that the lad knows just how to use to best advantage.  It swirls, he sucks, and Jack strokes that soft black hair, digs his fingers into it, holds the lad still, thrusts his hips. 

Christ, that’s good.

Jamie seems to think so, too, if his clutching, wandering hands are anything to go by.  He turns his face up to Jack and holds his gaze as if to say, Look at that, look at what you’re doin’ to me.  And Jack does look, in fact Jack gawps. ’Cause it’s purely, beautifully dirty.  His cock, dark and thick and wet with saliva, pumping in and out and in and out of that lush mouth, and that pretty face, and the expression of transported wickedness it bears.

I don’t know you, Jack thinks.  You’re just a dirty, wanton, gorgeous piece of arse that wants my cock in your mouth. Your boy’s mouth.

He gasps, quivers, blasphemes, comes.


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and the actors who portrayed them. Jack Shaftoe is the property of Neal Stephenson.
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