Oh, that knowing look!

Jack’s not usually a fellow given to shame.  But really; he’s managed to embarrass even himself.  There are layers of embarrassment here that he doesn’t care to dissect in too much detail, but the undeniable fact of it is that he’s come over here of his own volition to talk to a man who’s been giving him The Eye, and who now reveals himself to have previously spied upon Jack while Jack – admittedly in an inappropriately publick situation – permitted a girl to bestow oral gratuities upon his person.

Which isn’t even the worst of it!  Jack was doing so while watching his supposed beloved, Mary Dolores Partry, flouncing about onstage!

And Mary D’s announced that she’s carrying his spawn!

And this flirtatious wretch of a pirate saw it all, and peered at Jack’s privities through a spyglass!

And – worst of all! – saw Jack’s face as he came!

Oh, God.  Too much, far too much.

Jack’s either got to put this pirate’s lights out for knowing such things about him (tempting, but likely to lead to Legal Proceedings or a thumping from the bloke’s mates) or he’s got to get the hell out of there and never, ever, ever set eyes on the bastard again.

“Ah yes,” he manages.  “Sweet Caroline.  In fact, now that you mention it; I might just take a quick detour in her direction.  Astonishing mouth on her, that chit.”  He stands up so fast the stool falls over.

“Hang about, are you sure you won’t—”

But the voice fades as the tavern door slams shut behind him, and Jack’s gone.  Free.


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and the actors who portrayed them. Jack Shaftoe is the property of Neal Stephenson.
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